標題: 中國古代變法案例探討─傳統組織變革理論與複雜系統理論觀點
A Study of Chinese Historical Change Events─Traditional Organization Change Theory and Complex System Theory Perspectives
作者: 馮炳勳
Ping-Hsun Feng
Chi-Kuo Mao
Gin-Yuan Lee
關鍵字: 中國古代變法;組織變革;複雜系統;尖角突變;Chinese Historical Change Events;Organization Change;Complex System;Cusp Catastrophe
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 若將中國歷代王朝看成一家公司,其政府為管理單位,產品是對人民的服務,市場是全國人民。為了解決人民對政府的不滿所帶來的衝擊,數千年來,中國歷代王朝經歷了多次改組的動作。以今日的眼光來看,這些改組動作無疑是種組織變革。對於中國古代變法成敗因素的分析探討,大多集中於歷史領域,雖然管理領域的變革管理理論在解釋變革成敗因素上具有不錯的適用性,但卻很少人將變革管理理論做跨領域的應用。基於此原因,本研究的研究目的為,利用管理領域之變革管理理論及複雜適應系統理論,重新解讀中國古代變法,並檢驗理論的適用性。本研究利用個案研究法對漢武帝變法、王莽篡漢、張居正變法、戊戌變法等四個變法個案進行個案分析,為其成敗因素提出解釋。在理論的適用性上,傳統組織變革理論中的Lewin變革三部曲、Kotter變革八步驟,及複雜系統理論中的尖角突變理論,對於變法個案成敗因素的解釋,適用性非常好,皆可得到變革管理觀點的解釋。最後,藉由個案分析的結果,對於如何有效推動組織變革,提出看法。
Chinese historical change events are kinds of organization changes. The studies of success and failure factors of Chinese historical change events are from the view point of history mostly. Very few studies are from the view point of change management. The purpose of this study is using traditional change management and complex system theories to analyze the success and failure factors of Chinese historical change events and testing the applicability of these theories. Four Chinese historical change events are selected. They are Han Wu Emperor change event, the event of Wang Mang usurp Han dynasty, Chang Chu Cheng change event, and Wu Hsu change event. After analyzing these cases, this study draws a conclusion from the change management perspective. Change theories of Lewin and Kotter and cusp catastrophe theory are selected to analyze these cases. The result reveals that the applicability of these theories is effective. Finally, this study makes a suggestion for how to implement change management from the result of analysis.


  1. 153401.pdf

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