標題: 民用航空器發動機維修業即時現場維修進度資訊回饋系統之設計與實做
Design and Implement a Shop Floor Information Feedback System for Civil Aircraft Engine Maintenance Business
作者: 顏冠文
Kuai-Wen Yen
William Jen
Hsiu-Kuei Kuo
關鍵字: 發動機維修;現場控制系統;進度資訊回饋系統;Engine Maintenance;Shop Floor Control Systems;nformation Feedback System
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 即時且精確的取得現場作業資訊以做好對維修作業流程的控管工作,是發動機修護業者提升競爭力之關鍵因素。過去相關研究多是針對發動機維修作業之排程問題進行探討與求解,本研究引進在製造業中廣為應用之現場控制系統觀念,應用於發動機維修作業管理上,以A公司發動機部為個案研究對象,進行系統之設計與實做。 在系統功能需求之分析方面,本研究歸納出八項系統功能需求包括:(1)自動化收集、彙整與更新資料,(2) 回饋即時進度資訊,(3)回饋精確、詳細且有意義之群組化資訊,(4)自動產生維修作業流程,(5)追加/取消作業於維修流程進行中,(6)回饋工作站使用資訊,(7)產出層級化之資訊內容,以及(8)讀取遠端資訊。 在系統架構建立方面,採用Dilts et al.[1991]所提之集中式架構為基礎,根據功能分析結果進行架構規劃,規劃出之架構分為資訊擷取層、資訊處理層與資訊使用層三個主要資訊層次,每個層次中皆包含數個對應之介面與功能模組,總計包含3個子介面與10個子模組。在系統分析與設計方面,參考Kerzner[1995]所提出之PERT實施步驟,進行作業定義與流程分析,根據1,772張例行性工單,8,650筆維修步驟之內容,定義出150個作業與169個作業連結關係。系統資料庫分析與設計之結果,共建立了30個資料表,儲存作業相關資料、特定維修流程資料以及彙整後之作業進度相關資訊。 在系統實做方面,使用Microsoft Access 2000作為資料庫建構工具、Microsoft Access VBA作為功能模組開發工具以及Microsoft Project 2000作為資訊產出工具,進行系統之實做。以自動執行方式,實做進度資訊擷取與處理功能。以甘特圖形式之資訊內容,將產出資訊依不同管理層級之需求分為Top View、Engine View與Work Center View三種檢視方式,實做進度資訊回饋功能,並將時程規劃功能整合於Top View中。資料維護功能則是以資料表之形式進行實做。 在對個案公司現行之流程控管作業方式與即時進度資訊回饋系統之比較分析部分,使用即時進度資訊回饋系統於發動機維修流程控管上,對個案公司在進度資訊收集、進度資訊檢視與發佈、第一線員工監督、產能使用情形查詢、規劃排程以及流程改善等主要流程控管作業,在效率之改善與提升上,皆能有相當程度之幫助。 在使用者對系統接受程度之探討上,引用科技接受模式[Davis, 1989]進行推論,結果顯示,從理論角度觀之,使用者對系統之接受程度應很高。在系統導入之實務問題探討上,系統之導入,預期將會對第一線員工工作方式與各工作小組負責人在對維修進度資訊的控制力產生衝擊,在此衝擊下,可能會引發相關人對本系統之抗拒心理,高階管理者應加強在與相關人員之溝通協調上,以降低抗拒之程度,讓系統發揮應有之效能。
In civil aircraft engine maintenance business, getting the shop floor information immediately and accurately is the key factor of improving competitiveness. Most of past researches focused on the scheduling problem of maintenance activities. This study attempt to apply the concept of shop floor control systems to improve the management of civil aircraft engine maintenance business. We used the engine maintenance department of company A as the case to demo how to design and implement the shop floor information feedback system. In analysis of the function needs of this system, we found that the system is needed to include the following requirements: (1) automatically collecting, processing, and updating the information, (2) immediately outputting the information, (3) outputting the accurate and meaningful information, (4) automatically generating the process of the maintenance activities, (5) adding or canceling the activities while the process is on-going, (6) outputting the information of the availability of the work centers, (7) outputting the information in multiple format to satisfy the managers in different level, and (8) remotely accessing the information. In construction of the system framework, based on the centralized form of the shop floor control systems, and the results of the analysis of the functions needs, this study developed a system framework with three different information layers, which are information collecting layer, information processing layer, and information using layer, consisted of 10 modules and 3 user interfaces. In analysis and design of the system, used the method of the implementing steps of PERT to analysis the process of the maintenance activities. Based on the content of 1,772 routine routers and 8,650 sequences, this study defined 150 activities and 169 links of activities. In design of the system database, this study built 30 data tables, which are used to store the basic data about activities, specific data of maintenance processes, and the progress information which have been processed. In implementation of the system, this study used the Microsoft Access 2000, Microsoft Access VBA and Microsoft Project 2000 as the developing tools of the database, function modules, and information outputting interfaces. The functions of information collecting, processing, and updating are implemented by executing it automatically. The function of information feedback is implemented by outputting the information in the form of Gantt chart and dividing it into Top view, Engine view, and Work center view depending on the different requirements of the different management levels. The function of scheduling is implemented by integrating it into Top view. The function of data maintenance is implemented by using the data table. In comparison and discussion between the system we developed and current process control method of company A, this study found that our system has better performance on the information collecting and processing, information viewing and releasing, first-line employee monitoring, querying the availability of the work centers, scheduling, and process improving. In discussion of the user acceptance behavior of the system, based on the Technology Acceptance Model, on the point of theoretical view, showed that the system should be highly accepted. On the point of practical view, introduced the system into the organization could impact the first line employees and the managers of work centers and caused resistant behavior. High level managers should make efforts in dealing with resistance to change with relevant employees to reduce the resistance behavior and to enhance the performance of the system.


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