標題: 應用駕駛行為量表探討偏差駕駛行為與事故傾向關係之研究
Application of Driving Behavior Questionnire to Investigate the Relationship of Aberrant Driving Behaviors and Accidents
作者: 尹維龍
Wei-lung Yin
T. Hugh Woo
關鍵字: 駕駛行為;行為量表;違規;錯誤;疏忽;Driver behavior;Behavior inventory;violation;error;lapse
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 本研究以階層的方式,藉由數量方法探討駕駛者屬性、情緒反應、壓力和駕駛經驗等與偏差駕駛行為的關係,以及偏差駕駛行為對交通事故的影響。研究結果顯示我國的偏差駕駛行為分為違規、錯誤、疏忽三個潛在因素。迴歸分析發現情緒反應、駕駛技巧與違規呈正相關,而安全感知、壓力緊張、年齡則與違規為負相關;男性違規分數則高於女性。而駕駛技巧與錯誤呈負相關,情緒反應與錯誤呈正相關,以及男性較女性容易發生錯誤。壓力緊張、教育水準和駕駛技巧顯著影響疏忽的發生。違規和錯誤等都影響事故的發生,當違規和錯誤越高時,發生事故的機會逐漸增加。應用結構方程式進行驗證,分析結果發現安全感知與疏忽、錯誤無顯著影響,情緒反應與疏忽無顯著影響,這些結果都與迴歸分析的結果相同。
This study investigated the relationship of driver’s attribute, mood, pressure, driving experience and aberrant driving behavior with the quantitative method in hierarchical way. Influence of aberrant driving behavior on traffic accidents was also investigated with the same way. Research results have exhibited that the aberrant behaviors can be categorized into: violations, mistakes and lapses. Regression analysis showed that violations were positively correlated with mood, driving skill, but negatively with safety-motive, pressure, age. Mistakes were negatively correlated with driving skill, but positively correlated with mood. Males reported more violations and mistakes than females. Lapses were significantly correlated with pressure, driving skill and education. Consequently, violations and mistakes were proved to be stable predictors of accidents. When the structure equation method was applied, the results indicated the same with regression analysis. It showed safety-motive was not significantly correlated with mistakes, lapses; and emotion was not significantly correlated with lapses either.


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