標題: 應用駕駛行為量表探討駕訓教育對道路駕駛行為影響之研究
A Study on the Impacts of Driver Education upon Driving Behavior through Driving Behavior Questionnaire
作者: 楊舜棠
Shun-Tang Yang
關鍵字: 駕訓教育;道路駕駛行為;駕駛態度;駕駛技能;駕駛行為量表;Rasch模式;Driver education;Driving behavior;Driving attitude;Driving ability;Driving Behavior Questionnaire;Rasch model
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 我國車禍事故死亡人數遠高於其他先進國家數倍,然此並非交通工程技術之落後,除車輛性能與駕駛技能外,駕駛者之駕駛道德與用路態度更須深入地檢討。本研究即嘗試以Rasch模式,透過架構之量表,來衡量駕訓教育前後學員道路駕駛行為之改變,而本文則以駕駛態度、駕駛技能來架構道路駕駛行為。根據實證研究結果顯示於駕駛態度方面,應針對自我要求與風險感認構面內問項敘述表現較差者加以改進,至於法規態度及與其它用路人構面則應針對整體構面加以重新設計與規劃教案;關於駕駛技能之自信,則應針對車輛操作技巧、法規認知、與防衛駕駛構面內問項敘述表現較差者加以改進,而肇事處理、緊急應變、與車輛維護構面則應針對整體構面加以重新設計與規劃教案;於偏差駕駛行為方面,應針對易犯的駕駛違規行為進行加強教育,其次則為易引發嚴重後果之駕駛疏忽與侵略性駕駛行為;最後,就駕訓教育前後駕駛態度之比較而言,以法規態度與風險感認之平均能力成長最多,至於與其他用路人則成長最少,應列為首要改善目標。本研究之結果除能提供駕訓教育之品質提升外,對於未來發展完整駕訓教育亦頗具參考價值。
The death rate of traffic accidents in Taiwan is several times higher than in other developed countries. The phenomenon is not only resulted from backwardness of traffic engineering, performance of vehicles, and driving skills of drivers but also resulted from driving manners and driving attitudes. The Rasch model, in this study, is applied to build an inventory to measure driving behavior of drivers before and after they took driving education courses. The aim of the study is to observe driving behavior through driving attitudes and driving abilities. According to the results of practical studies, four phases are explored as follows. First, driving attitudes, persons who lack a few abilities in “Self-Control” and “Risk Perception” should be much well-educated. Learning sessions should be redesigned and planed in components of “Attitudes to Regulations” and “Interactions with Other Road Users”. Second, confidence in driving skills, persons who lack a few abilities in “Manipulating”, “Regulation Cognition”, and “Defensive Driving” should be much well-educated. Learning sessions should be redesigned and planed in components of “Accident Disposal”, “Emergency Reacting”, and “Vehicle Maintenance”. Third, aberrant driving behavior, those components for “Driving Violation”, “Driving Errors” and “Aggressive Driving Behavior” which would cause serious accidents should be well-noticed to decrease incidence. Finally, driving attitudes before and after driving education, the results from abilities of “Regulation Perception” and “Risk Perception” have relatively improved. According to its lack of abilities, the component of “Interactions with Other Road Users” is the first subject which should be enhanced. The result of the study not only upgrades qualities of driver education but also provides the reference to complete development of driver education in the future.


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