標題: 以小客車駕駛人觀點探討我國駕駛教育訓練成效之研究
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Driver Education and Training from The View of Auto Driver’s
作者: 陳忠平
Chung-Ping Chen
Hsin-Li Chang
關鍵字: 駕駛教育訓練;駕照考驗;派督考;成效評估;Driver Education and Training;Driver’s License Test;Test Appointing and Monitoring System (T.A.M.S);Evaluating Effectiveness
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 我國小客車駕駛教育訓練與考照制度已行之有年,特別是民營駕訓機構申請派督考制度推動至今亦已逾五年,尚未有研究對此制度之成效進行深入探討。超過九成考照者選擇駕訓機構作為學習車輛駕駛技術的場所,所以駕訓機構對於駕駛人教育訓練有深遠的影響。然綜觀多年之實施經驗,駕訓機構是否真正達到教育訓練之目標,值得深入探討與研究。本研究基於上述理由,乃深入檢討並評估我國小客車駕駛人在不同駕訓機構學習成效差異進行比較。 本研究首先界定駕訓教育與考照制度應有之功能與目標(操作車輛的技術、車輛結構與維護的認識、熟悉道路交通安全法規、瞭解緊急應變措施、安全行車技術之學習、道路上行車交通安全風險的認識、駕駛道德的養成及肇事之預防與處理),再藉由問卷設計,蒐集駕駛人對功能目的的態度與認知,瞭解影響駕駛人學習之影響因素,並透過變異數分析與多重比較分析瞭解駕駛人在不同駕訓機構學習之差異,藉此瞭解制度規範下之功能達成效果。從根本上了解駕駛教育訓練制度在功能上之缺失,既有助於對現有制度之整體瞭解,更可作為未來研擬我國交通安全教育相關政策制度研擬之參考。 根據研究結果顯示,駕駛人認為操作車輛技術之學習、熟悉道路交通安全法規、了解安全行車之技術等目標,均可透過現有之駕駛教育訓練與駕照考驗制度加以達成,而「肇事預防與處理之學習」及「車輛結構與維護之認識」等目標之達成則仍有待加強。在不同學習方式之駕駛人差異比較方面,公立駕訓班在八大功能目標方面明顯優於民營駕訓班。在民營駕訓機構方面,已實施派督考駕訓班優於未實施派督考駕訓班。但根據問卷發現,駕訓班管理仍欠缺較佳的監督考評機制,致使整個駕駛教育制度未臻完備;有關考照制度方面,學術科考驗應有必要通盤檢討,以有效測度考照者;並在考試引導教學下,檢討駕駛教育訓練制度。本研究提出相關改善策略,俾供交通主管機關未來修訂駕駛教育訓練與考照制度之參考。
More than ninety-percent of people taking an auto driver’s license test choose to learn driving skills in driving schools. Therefore, driver education in driving schools is expected to influence the quality of driving behavior for automobile drivers. However, from observation on the history of implementation of automobile-driver training and license examination, actually many doubts arise on the issue that if institutions of driver training have achieved the goal of driver education and training. For this reason, this research was undertaken to evaluate and compare the difference of learning effectiveness among auto drivers who acquire driving skills in different institutions of driver training. This study clarified the functions and objectives of driver education and license examination system first. They include techniques of auto driving, understanding of automobile mechanism and required maintenance, familiarization to road traffic law, realization of ways to confront emergent situations, skills of driving safely, cultivation of driving ethics, and taking precautions against auto accidents. A face-to-face interview survey was conducted to collect auto drivers’ attitudes and understanding toward functions and objectives of driver education and license examination system and explore the factors affecting auto drivers’ learning. The study results reveal the aims of driver education and license examination have been achieved on the aspects of techniques of auto driving, familiarization of road traffic law, and skills of safe driving. However, the parts of taking precautions against auto accidents and understanding of automobile mechanism and required maintenance have not been fulfilled. The education performance of the driving schools which have implemented Test Appointing and Monitoring System (T.A.M.S) is superior to those haven’t. Moreover, findings of questionnaires indicate that the overall system of driver education is not sound due to the lack of an efficient way to monitor and assess the performance of driver schools. This study not only explored the drawbacks of current driving education system, but also raised a set of improvement suggestions for the driving education and license test.