Title: 研究發展生命力指標之動態模擬研究
Study on Dynamics of Vitality Index for Research and Development
Authors: 陳亮志
Liang-Chih Chen
Shing-Ko Liang
Keywords: 生命力;生命系統理論;績效評估;系統模擬;策略管理;Vitality Index;Living System Theory;Performance Evaluation;System Dynamics;Strategy Management
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 研究發展是表彰組織生命力的關鍵,本論文構建研發生命力(R&D Vitality)之系統架構及其指標,藉由動態模擬,探討研發生命力的提昇策略。 生命力指標建立之理論基礎是生命系統理論(Living System Theory)。該理論認為透過與外界質能與資訊輸入與輸出,進行內部資訊溝通、維護支援、生產運作及命令控制等處理,使系統有了「生命」的特質。 生命系統理論偏重主觀判斷。系統動態學(System Dynamics)則能隨時間變化產生的影響,回饋到系統內部,探討系統動態變化,並可及時發現問題,思量解決策略。本研究方法是以生命系統理論建構研發生命力之系統架構,再透過系統動態探討研發生命力之動態變化及生命力提昇策略之模擬。 本研究之研發生命力由創造力、學習力及執行力三個次系統所組成。研發生命力指標定義為功能水準(Li)與其權重(Wi)相成後加總而得 (Vitality=ΣWi*Li)。 模擬結果顯示,研發生命力的動態行為呈現直線型成長,但研發生命力成長的速度會衰退。針對成長速度衰退之問題,提出增加潛能激發經費、提高創造力轉換因子、增加教育訓練費用、提高學習力轉換因子、增加專案管理費及提昇執行力轉換因子等六種策略。 模擬結果顯示研發生命力前期(第1-120個月,十年期間),改善策略以執行力次系統為主。中期(第10-25年),改善策略則以學習力次系統為宜。後期改善策略(第26-40年),則以創造力次系統為佳。
Research and Development(R&D) is the key factor of organization survival. After constructing the system structure of R&D vitality, we study on R&D vitality improvement strategy by dynamic simulation. Living System Theory(LST) is the fundamental theory of R&D vitality. System Dynamics(SD) can find the problem and propose strategy by studying the dynamic behavior of system. We used LST to build the system structure of R&D vitality and used SD to study the dynamic behavior and improvement strategy of R&D vitality . R&D vitality system is constructed by three subsystem: creativity, learning, and execution. R&D vitality index is the sum of function level (Li) multiply by their weight (Wi). (Vitality=ΣWi*Li) The dynamic behavior of R&D vitality is linear growth. The growth rate decreases with time. For the problem of growth rate decreases, we proposed six strategies :Inspiring expenses, Creation transform factor, Education expense, Learning transform factor, Project management expenses, and Execution transform factor. Between 1-month and 120-months, the best strategy for improving R&D vitality index is the strategy about execution subsystem. Between 10-years and 25-years, the best strategy for improving R&D vitality index is the strategy about learning subsystem. Between 26-years and 40-years, the best strategy for improving R&D vitality index is the strategy about creation subsystem.
Appears in Collections:Thesis