标题: | 应用双反应曲面分析法于混合实验多品质特性最佳化之研究 Optimizing Multi-Response Problems in Mixture Experiments By Using Dual Response Surface Analysis |
作者: | 李百川 Bai-Chuan Li 唐丽英 王春和 Lee-Ing Tong Chung-Ho Wang 工业工程与管理学系 |
关键字: | 实验设计;混合实验;成份比例;反应曲面;多品质特性;主成份分析;灰色多属性决策;Design of Experiments;Mixture Experiments;Component Proportion;Response Surface Method;Multi-Response Problem;Principle Component Analysis;Grey Multiple Attribute Decision Making |
公开日期: | 2004 |
摘要: | 工业界在研发新产品或改善产品品质时,常利用实验设计(Design of Experiments, D.O.E)来规划实验及分析实验数据,以得到最佳因子水准组合。然而,在某些领域(如化学或材料)的实验中,影响反应变数(response)是各因子在每一实验组合中所占之比例,而非各因子之含量多寡,这类特殊的实验称为混合实验(Mixture Experiments)。由于混合实验之各因子(又称成份)的比例加总须等于100%,所以可行解区域会比一般实验设计之维度小,其反应曲面模式也与一般实验的反应曲面模式不同。此外,产品的品质已非最佳化单一品质特性就能解决,往往需要考虑到多品质特性(multiple response)同时最佳化才行。目前中外文献已提出一些多品质特性同时最佳化的方法,但是这些方法只限于一般实验。中外有关混合实验的文献,大部分只应用单品质最佳化之案例,至于多品质混合实验最佳化的问题,国外文献建议以互偿的方式或者使用望想函数找多品质的最佳解,但是其所探讨的混合实验不符合一般性,因此本论文首先利用主成份分析(Principle Component Analysis)或灰色多属性决策(Grey Multiple Attribute Decision Making)来整合多个品质特性合成单一综合品质特性,然后发展出一套最佳配方的程序。在成本方面,目前有关最佳化的中外文献皆没有讨论到最佳配方之成本问题,为了能使新产品更具竞争力,本研究亦将配方之成本纳入考量,另发展出一套考量成本之多品质混合实验演算法。本研究最后透过某公司提供之煞车皮碗的案例,验证本研究所提出混合实验最佳化多品质流程确实有效可行。 Design of experiments is often applied in industry to develop new product. However, in some chemical or material experiments, responses are usually affected by factor’s (or component’s) proportion rather than the factor’s quantity. Such experiments are called mixture experiments. Because the proportions of components have to be added to 100%, the dimension of solutions for the optimal factor-quantity combination using the response surface method (RSM) is less than that of the conventional designed experiments. In addition, due to the product design becomes increasingly complicated, more than one quality characteristic must be simultaneously optimized to improve the product quality. Although several procedures for optimizing multi-response process have been developed in recent years, they are appropriate only for the conventional experiments. Only few cases were studied for mixture designs with single response. When more than one response is to be optimized in mixture design, engineers usually determine the optimal component’s proportions from their experiences. However, it is very difficult to decide the optimum component’s proportions. Therefore, this study proposes an optimizing procedure to resolve multi-response problem for mixture designs. This study uses the Grey Multiple Attribute Decision Making (GMADM) or Principle Component Analysis (PCA) to integrate multiple responses into one component’s proportions index, and then develops a procedure for optimizing the composite quality index. Besides, product’s competitiveness is also determined by its manufacturing cost. This study further develops a procedure for obtaining the optimal proportion combination with the manufacture cost. A real case of rubber bowl experiment from a Taiwan’s company is utilized illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed procedure. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/77098 |
显示于类别: | Thesis |