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dc.contributor.authorShu-Wen Chenen_US
dc.contributor.authorChi-Chun Loen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著無線網路技術的進步,無線網路的應用亦趨普及。而在無線網路中,無基礎行動網路隨著技術之演進,及克服路由與服務品質等問題後,將使得它的應用範圍更廣。由於它不需藉由無線擷取器提供服務的特性,而是可以自我組成路由環境,亦因於此,它非常適用於災難救助、軍方作戰演訓及辦公室會議環境使用。但由於它具有動態拓樸及無線網路環境所形成的弱連結現象,使得它在實際應用面所遇到的安全問題較傳統的有線網路及無線網路環境更為複雜。 在網路環境中,可藉由點對點、點對多點或多點對多點方式完成資訊傳播,但由於無基礎行動網路的特性,點對點的方式較不適用,故群播在無基礎行動網路下的應用將劇增。而群播的安全性問題在此網路架構下完成群播之目的就顯得格外重要。另在叢集架構下之無基礎行動網路環境,路由及密鑰管理上較有效率。因此,本研究針對在叢集架構下的無基礎行動網路環境,就點對多點的安全群播問題做研究。 本研究提出在群播架構下就通訊點的單一節點/多個節點加入、離開及金匙管理問題提出一個安全機制與架構,以符合在無基礎行動網路中因動態拓樸與無線通訊本身之限制下,提供一個安全且具有效率的群播通訊環境。最後,於安全性分析上,本機制除滿足安全性需求外,另由於每個節點所握有的密鑰數量及因更新群組密鑰所需傳送的訊息量較其他機制少,故本研究所提的機制應可提供較佳的安全性與運作效率。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAlong with the technology evolution, and after overcomes the routing and quality of service problems, the Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, MANET, make the application in this environment more popular than before. MANET can self-organize routing and does not need access point, so it is useful for emergency operation, military environment and conference. Owing to dynamic topology and wireless environment its secure problems are more complex than wired or wireless network environments in the reality applications. There are many ways for information dissemination during communication, like point-to-point, point-to-multipoint and multipoint-t-multipoint in the network environment; but due to the characteristic of MANET the point-to-point method is not applicable. Multicast is rapidly becoming a more application in the MANET environment. Therefore, the security problems of secure multicast are more significant, and focus this in our research. In addition, the cluster-based MANET can get more efficient than others in the aspect of routing and key management. We will propose secure scheme and scalable architecture for multicast while some node joins or leaves from the multicast tree and key management problems in the above architecture. We make multicast more efficient and secure under the restriction of the dynamic topology and infrastructureless and wireless network constraint in MANET environment. Finally, security analysis present the schemes we proposed are more secure and efficient than the others.en_US
dc.subjectMobile Ad-Hoc Networksen_US
dc.subjectSecure Multicasten_US
dc.subjectKey Managementen_US
dc.titleA Key Management Scheme for Secure Multicast on Mobile Ad Hoc Networksen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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