標題: ㄧ個針對不同環境下之高等教育的多層次用途系統
A Multi Level Usage System for Various Higher Education Environments
作者: 丹尼爾
Dr. Chi-Chun Lo
關鍵字: 多階層;SCORM標準;數位學習;遠距教學;各級學校;Multi-Level;SCORM;E-Learning;Distance Learning;Macro University
公開日期: 2005
摘要: ㄧ個針對不同環境下之高等教育的多層次用途系統
The concept of Multi-Level Usage is widely used in the area of education today. It can be beneficial to all; elementary schools, high schools, but especially to universities and higher education institutions which focus more and more on offering high tech and graduate courses in English rather than in the country’s native or official language. Nowadays universities around the world want to stay competitive by having international programs offering many courses in English either online or ‘in classroom’. But there are some problems with both online and ‘in classroom learning. Studies show that E-learning alone is not the most efficient teaching/learning method because a student learns best by seeing, hearing, writing, reading, speaking (asking questions) and interacting with the teacher and classmates. However, ‘in classroom’ learning is not always efficient especially when students learn a subject in other than their native language, where the language can be a barrier to efficient learning. A student can benefit more when the two types of learning (online and ‘in classroom’ learning) can be combined. Therefore, we developed a system for teaching/learning courses in classrooms, online, and also combine learning systems. We show the uses of Multi-level and how it can improve both online and ‘in classroom’ learning by creating a Multi-Level course system and applying it into an educational environment. Any educational institution can provide an environment for Multi-Level Usage because it is not too costly, it’s reusable and not difficult to use once its platform and methods are developed and implemented into its system. We use the applications and purposes of SCORM (a popular standard for E-learning) since it is widely used in Multi-Level, to implement a Multi-Level Usage web site based on the Learning Management System (LMS) which is provided by Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL). The web site made can make up and maintain different levels for SCORM-based digital contents, it keeps only one copy in the hard disk, it shows the proper level of any course chosen or taken by a user, and it can reduce the time and money spent on learning while making it easier and more interesting.


  1. 453501.pdf

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