標題: 以美國Kraft公司為借鏡探討台灣食品產業發展趨勢
What Taiwanese Food Industry Can Learn from Kraft ,USA
作者: 陳菀渝
Wan-Yu Chen
Hsiao-Cheng Yu
關鍵字: 食品產業;美國Kraft食品公司;多角化;全球化;營運策略;個案方式;food industry;Kraft Foods Inc.;diversification;globalization;operational strategy;a case study
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 食品產業一般認為是傳統產業,但是其需求卻是永遠存在。我國食品產業面臨國外食品大廠競爭、國人飲食消費習慣轉變及對於有機食品之喜好,因此,必須提高生產與製造的效率,研發新產品,提升產品品質,符合市場之需求。此外,由於大陸人口眾多,對於食品之需求龐大,因而是我國食品廠商開拓市場的良好機會。 美國Kraft食品公司是全美第一大、全球第二大的食品公司,2004年收益高達323億美元。本論文學習該公司如何透過產品多角化、購併在歐美的其他食品公司,以及全球化佈局等策略,拓展其在食品產業的龍頭地位與穩定成長。本論文亦分析全球食品產業之發展現況及未來趨勢,以及國內食品廠商面臨的挑戰與機會。藉由了解美國Kraft食品公司的營運策略,以及國內食品產業之優劣勢,建議我國食品產業未來努力之方向,並提出針對我國食品廠商經營策略之建議。
In spite of being considered as a traditional industry, the food industry grows as population and demand for quality of life grows. Taiwan’s food industry is impacted by the following trends: global competitions from multinational competitors, change of food consumption behavior, demand for healthy and organic food, etc. Taiwanese food companies have to maintain competitive by improving technology, product innovation and quality. The huge food market in China offers promising opportunities. Kraft Foods Inc. is the largest food corporation in the U.S. and the 2nd largest in the world. The total revenue reached USD 32.3 billion in 2004. This research studied Kraft’s business strategies such as: product diversification, merger and acquisition, and globalization. This research also explored the current status and future trend of the food industry. Furthermore, based on Kraft’s successful business strategies and the SWOT analysis of Taiwan’s food industry, some strategy suggestions for domestic food corporations are proposed. Keyword:food industry, Kraft Foods Inc., diversification, globalization, operational strategy, a case study.
Appears in Collections:Thesis