標題: 探討消費者決策型態之研究-以台北市為例
A Study of Purchasing Decision-Making Styles of Consumers for Taipei
作者: 王思凱
Seu-Kai Wang
Edwin Tang
關鍵字: 消費決策型態;消費者行為;市場區隔;Decision-making style;Consumer behavior;Market segmentation
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 針對消費者購買行為,特別是消費者的購買決策型態的研究了解,對企業設定行銷策略時有舉足輕重的影響。研究消費者決策型態的方法又有不同學派主張不同的切入方法,譬如說消費者生活型態分析、消費者類別分析、和消費者特質分析。Sproles與Kendall兩位學者在1990年提出了一個統整各派的新研究方法。本研究正是採用這兩位學者提出的消費者型態題庫(Consumer Style Inventory)來研究消費者購物決策型態之異同。 本研究樣本來自於台北市3個不同購物中心。有效樣本數為252份。不同於之前的相關研究是之前的研究都是採用學生樣本,但是本研究有大部分樣本是來自已出社會的成人樣本。學生樣本的缺點是在經濟上、心理層面上,可能要推論到普通消費者行為上存在極大限制。此研究嘗試比較學生樣本以外的不同觀點與思考。 經過因素分析後得出八個因素,分別是1.精品與流行意識 2.節省時間3.完美主義者4.品牌意識5.被太多資訊混淆者6.消費習慣者7.價格敏感者8.休閒意識者。 利用以上八個因素,集群分析得到三個族群。分別是:1.流行、品質意識者 2.傳統、實用主義者 3.被過多資訊混淆者。
ABSTRACT An understanding of Consumers’ purchasing behavior, with particular reference to their decision-making styles, is crucial for companies in setting their marketing strategies. According to Sproles and Kendall (1990), the consumer literature suggests three ways to characterize consumer decision making styles, namely, psychographic/lifestyle approach, the consumer typology approach, and the consumer characteristics approach. In the case of apparel purchasing, the dimensions of decision-making styles are investigated by using the Consumer Style Inventory(CSI) developed by Sproles and Kendall(1990). A sample of 252 adult samples was collected. Then Exploratory Factor Analysis was run on the sample data, to examine the validity of the measurement scale to be used in Taiwan’s context. The original CSI scale consisted of 39-items, 4-items were removed due to low factor loadings or significant cross-loadings. Followed by a cluster analysis matching each cluster’s demographic and behavioral characteristics. Three clusters are, respectively, Fashion/Quality Consumer, Traditional/ Practical Consumer, and Confused Consumer. Furthermore, comparisons with researches conducted in other cultures are discussed.