標題: 越南區域經濟發展與台商投資策略
Regional Economic Development of Vietnam and Investment Strategies of Taiwanese Firms
作者: 黃聖介
Huang, Sheng-Chieh
Hu, Jin-Li
關鍵字: 越南;勞動生產力;區域經濟發展;投資策略;Vietnam;Regional Economic Development;Investment Strategies;Labor Productivity
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 台灣傳統產業為了維持企業之生存,只得將產業外移至東南亞經濟體和中國大陸等地。越南擁有豐富的天然物產、充沛的人力資源與廣大的消費市場,因此成為台商轉進的目標之一。 本研究選取1997年至2000年越南北、中、南各區域第一、二級產業產值與第一、二級產業勞動人口為研究對象,利用簡單敍述統計分析及部分要素生產力分析方式,計算各區域勞動生產力的高低,各項產值係依1994年物價水準及各年度越南盾對美元匯率換算。其實證結果發現如下: 1. 各區域第二級產業的產值均大於第一級產業的產值。 2. 各區域第二級產業的勞動生產力均大於第一級產業的勞動 生產力。 3. 就第一、二級產業而言,越南南部地區的產值最高,北部 地區次之,中部地區最差。 4. 就第一、二級產業而言,越南南部地區的勞動生產力最 高,北部地區次之,中部地區最差。 5. 台商以勞力密集產業最適合到越南南部地區投資。
Taiwan's traditional industries have been moving to Southeast Asian economies and China, in order to maintain their competitiveness. As a major target of Taiwan’s outward foreign direct investment, Vietnam has abundant natural resources, well-educated human resources, and a huge domestic market. This paper analyzes the 1997-2000 regional and industry-specific panel data in Vietnam, including GDP and labor employment. All nominal terms are transformed into real terms in the 1994 prices. Our major findings are as follows: (1) In every area the output value of the second industry is always greater than that of the first industry. (2) In every area the labor productivity of the second industry is always greater than that of the first industry. (3) Output values of the southern, northern, and central regions are, respectively, the highest, medium, and the lowest. (4) Labor productivities of the southern, northern, and central regions are, respectively, the highest, medium, and the lowest. (5) Vietnam, especially its southern region, should be a good location for Taiwan’s labor-intensive industries to invest in.


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