標題: 台灣火力發電廠污染防治設施之作業績效評估
A Performance Evaluation of Pollution Control Facilities in Taiwan's Thermal Power Plants
作者: 洪慶生
Cing-Sheng Hong
Dr. Jin-Li Hu
關鍵字: 資料包絡分析法;效率;排煙脫硫設備;石膏;石灰石粉;Data Envelopment Analysis;Efficiency;Flue Gas Desulfurization;Gypsum;Limestone Powder
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 本研究探討台灣火力發電廠污染防治設施作業的效率與生產力問題,以台電公司3座燃煤火力發電廠(林口、台中及興達發電廠)的12部排煙脫硫設備(FGD)為研究對象,樣本期間自民國89年到民國93年,共計5年,由此組成Panel Data。以二階段的研究方法來對研究對象進行績效評估,在第一階段中採資料包絡分析法(DEA)之多投入(石灰石粉、運轉時數、SOx投入濃度)多產出(SOx排放減量值、石膏)模型來進行績效評估,並以Malmquist生產力指數來分析各DMU之跨期生產力變動的情形,其次輔以敏感度分析來找出對效率極具關鍵性的投入產出項、及以差額變數分析來探討使DMU具整體技術效率與純技術效率之目標投入量;在第二階段中以Wilcoxon檢定來檢定排煙脫硫設備在去除與增列石膏副產品產出項對營運績效是否具顯著的差異。 研究結果顯示:1.多數的排煙脫硫設備營運狀況均處於「規模報酬遞增」的階段;2.整體而言大部分的排煙脫硫設備因技術衰退導致生產力降低;3.石灰石粉與運轉時數投入項對營運績效極具敏感度;4.大部分的排煙脫硫設備需同時減少三項投入數量以改善整體技術效率或純技術效率;5.排煙脫硫設備石膏副產品產出項列入績效評估將顯著的提升營運績效。
This thesis studies efficiency and productivity of pollution control facilities in Taiwan’s thermal power plants during the period from 2000 to 2004. Twelve sets of flue gas desulfurization (FGD) equipment in three coal-fired thermal power plants (Linkou, Taichung and Hsinta) of Taiwan Power Company (TPC) are included. The two-stage method is applied to evaluate the performance of these FGD sets. In the first stage data envelopment analysis (DEA) is used to measure the efficiency under a model with three inputs (limestone powder, operation hours, and SOx input concentration) and two outputs (SOx reduction and gypsum). Meanwhile, the Malmquist index is used to compute the productivity changes. Sensitivity and slack analyses are also discussed. In the second stage Wilcoxon test is used to test whether or not there is efficiency orderings will significantly change by adding the gypsum output. The main empirical results are as follows: 1. Most of the DMUs are at the production stage of increasing returns to scale. 2. In general, most DMUs have declining producitivity due to technical decline. 3. Efficiency orderings are sensitive to the exlusion of limestone powder and operation hours. 4. Most of the DMUs have to decrease all three inputs, in oder to improve their overall technical efficiency or pure technical efficiency. 5. Inclusion of the gypsum output will sigificantly improve the avearge performance of these FGD sets.