Title: 滿意度及轉換成本對顧客忠誠度的影響-以我國行動通訊市場為例
The effects of customer satisfaction and switching cost on customer loyalty in mobile telecommunication market
Authors: 蕭惠文
Huiwen Hsiao
Eunice Wang
Yuhmiin Chang
Keywords: 滿意度;轉換成本;顧客忠誠度;行動通訊市場;satisfaction;switching cost;consumer loyalty;mobile communication market
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 九○年代以來,隨著全球電信自由化及無線通訊科技的發展,行動通訊成為發展最快速的產業之一。我國自一九九七年開放民營業者經營行動電話市場,五年之間,手機滲透率已高達100%。當市場已達到飽和,為了維持市場佔有率,此時業者的核心策略不是挖掘潛在客戶,而是如何留住既有客戶並加強其忠誠度。因此,本研究以我國的行動通訊市場為例,從滿意度及轉換成本兩個變項,探討顧客忠誠度的影響因素及內涵。研究方法部分,採用網路問卷調查法(Web survey),驗證研究假設,進行探討。

In 1990s, on account of the development of global liberation of telecommunication and wireless technology; cellular communication has become one of the most booming industries. Mobile telecommunication services in Taiwan have developed robustly since private operator entered the market on year 1997.Soon after; the number of subscribers was sharply rising around 100%.

In response to market saturation, the telecom operators should switch it strategy focus away from attracting new customers, towards retaining the loyalty of the existing customers. The main object of his paper is to investigate the effect of satisfaction and perceived switching costs on customer loyalty. Data are collected from Web-based survey.

The findings suggest that telecom operators should focus primarily on the customer satisfaction. The effect of the dimensions of perceived costs on those of loyalty is also verified. Managerial implications are discussed.
Appears in Collections:Thesis