Title: 不同網路購物生活型態者對購物網站之體驗偏好
The Experiential Preferences of the Online Consumers in Different Internet Shopping Lifestyles towards Online Shopping Websites
Authors: 周燕麗
Yen-Lee Chu
Jim-Jiunde Lee Ph.D
Keywords: 生活型態;體驗行銷;網路購物;Lifestyles;Experiential Marketing;Online Shopping
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 在消費者愈來愈重視網路購物下,對網路購物之要求也日趨嚴格。但目前多數網路商店僅著重於產品功能及性能上的宣傳,恐難以引起消費者的注意與滿足使用者的需求。Yahoo!執行長Tim Sanders 提出「體驗」才是新經濟的基礎,網站必須要做的是提供一個令人難忘、讚嘆的體驗,才能使消費者覺得更有價值。而Zarem也指出人需藉由體驗才會變得更有動機和需要,無法提供體驗的網路商業行為將難以成功。故,因應購物網站市場的競爭,經營者應盡力滿足不同類型消費者對消費體驗的需求。 因此,本研究以Schmitt(1999/2000)所提出的「策略體驗模組」(SEMs, Strategic Experiential Modules),包括「感官(Sense)」、「情感(feel)」、「思考(Think)」、「行動(act)」與「關聯(related)」五大構面的體驗形式與生活型態理論為基礎,探討不同生活型態消費者在不同類型購物網站中,所偏好的體驗形式與其設計要素,以在實務上提供設計師更直接、更精確的設計規範與發展方向。在研究方法上,本研究先採用深度訪談法收集資料以建構問卷。之後,再使用問卷調查法進行資料的蒐集,樣本主要為目前網路專賣店與網路購物中心的購物族群,總計回收350份有效樣本,回收率88%。 研究結果顯示,國內網路消費者可以區分為:「避免網購者」、「愛好網購者」以及「提心吊膽的網購者」三個生活型態集群。在網路書店中,「避免網購者」最重視感官體驗、「愛好網購者」最重視情感體驗,而「提心吊膽的網購者」則最重視關聯體驗;而在網路購物中心中,「避免網購者」最著重感官體驗、「愛好網購者」最著重行動體驗。至於「提心吊膽的網購者」則無特別明顯的體驗偏好。因此建議網站經營者可針對本研究中不同生活型態的網路消費者所偏好的體驗形式與其設計,進行不同的體驗情境與功能的營造,使網路消費者可以獲得更深入的體驗。
Consumers nowadays are too often to purchase or consume through internet, thus, their requirements towards online shopping are seemingly higher than before. However, the online retailers emphasize only on the promotions of the products and the products’functions, perhaps, their focuses are difficult to attract the consumers as well as fulfill their demands. Therefore, director of Yahoo! ValueLab, Tim Sanders suggests that “experience” is the basis of a new economy. The commercial websites are requisite to provide an unforgettable and amazing experience in order to prove their worthiness. Furthermore, Zarem addresses that creating experience is the new battle ground because people today are motivated by experience. Subsequently, the online shopping vendors are supposed to satisfy the consuming experience of shoppers that come from different kinds of levels, in order to compete in this market. Hence, this research is based on Schmitt’s (1999/2000) SEMs, Strategic Experiential Modules and Lifestyles Theory. By using the in-depth interview and quantitative method, this study figured out the experiential strategy and designed elements that were preferred by the consumers from dissimilar lifestyle who surfed in different kind of online shopping websites. Consequently, these results will probably provide the website designers an immediate and accurate direction, practically. In the methods of research, this research picked up indepth interview to accumulate the informations to contruct questions of survey and afterwards gather survey datas by using those questions. The samples were mainly the consumers of online specialty stores and online shoping mall.Entirely, there werev 350 valid samples were collected. According to the results of this study, Taiwan online consumers could be divided into three lifestyle groups: Firstly, online shopping avoider, secondly, online shopping lovers and thirdly, fearful online shoppers. Among the online speciality consumers, the online shopping avoider, the online shopping lovers and the d fearful online shoppers paid attention on sensory experiences, affective experiences and relational experiences, respectively. Whereas, among the online shopping mall shoppers, online shopping avoider and online shopping lovers insisted on sensory experiences and act experiences respectively. Yet, in this case, there was no obvious experiential preference among the fearful online shoppers. Therefore, this research suggested the online shopping vendors to focus on the favorite experience and design of the online shoppers who come from different lifestyles which mentioned in this research, and thus, to develop a variety of functions and atmospheres in order to provide the consumers a deeper and realistic experience.
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