標題: 超動漫表現形式探索--以Sphinx創作研究為例
Exploring the expressive forms of hypercomics:A case study of "Sphinx"
作者: 楊健文
Chien-Wen Yang
Tien-Chun Chang
關鍵字: 超動漫;互動視覺敘事;hypercomics;interactive visual narrative
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 在新媒體時代,網路的普及與便利性讓漫畫的載體有機會由靜態的紙本變成互動的介面,在結合電腦超連結、多媒體、互動性後的數位漫畫成為一種新形式的藝術表現手法,一種新形式的敘事媒體。然而,受限於互動視覺敘事媒體的內容開發成本過高,甚少有成功案例與相關研究。設計者與研究者都應該投注心力在此議題上,開創更為多元的可能性。 本研究以劇情式漫畫為目標,藉由msn紀錄檔觀察法、深入訪談法、KJ法、問卷調查法等收集資料,並以四階段的研究過程檢視超動漫作品“Sphinx"的創作過程以及讀者的回饋,試圖探索超動漫中創作者關切的表現形式議題以及影響讀者閱讀經驗的因子,並在最後彙整為對未來創作者的操作建議。
In the era of new media, the universal and convenient access to internet has fostered the carrier media of comics turn into an interactive interface from static printed papers. Digital comics integrated with hyperlinks, multimedia, and interactivity have become a new form of artistic expression and a new media of visual narrative. However, there are very few successful interactive visual narrative projects and related researches due to the expensive cost of content development. For the abundant possibility of expressive form of new narrative media, more attention should be focused on “hypercomics" research issue. Via creating a hypercomics plot story “Sphinx"and gathering data through techniques of reflection on process of Sphinx, observation of msn records, interviews, KJ method, and quantified questionnaires, this thesis aimed to approach the issue of possible artistic expressive form of hypercomics and factors to the readers reading experience. A set of suggestions are offered for the future artists' reference.


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