Title: 中文附加副詞與連接詞之研究:以「也」、「而且」及「和」為例
Additive Adverbs and Coordinators in Chinese: A Case Study of Ye ‘also’, Erqie ‘and’ and He ‘and’
Authors: 蔡慧瑾
Hui Chin Tsai
Chen Sheng Liu
Keywords: 附加副詞;連接詞;也;而且;和;additive particle;coordinator;ye;erqie;he
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 此篇論文主要探討兩個議題:(ㄧ)中文的附加副詞「也」;(二)中文的兩個連接詞:「而且」與「和」。本論文首先以三點理由論證「也」在句法上是一個副詞,第一:中文可藉零連接詞(zero coordinator)來連接兩個子句或片語;第二:「也」可出現在單一子句中;第三:「也」可與連接詞「並且」或附屬連接詞「因為」共現。至於「也」的語意分析, 本文以Rooth (1985, 1992, 1997)的「另類語意學」(alternative semantics)為基礎,將「也」分析為「附加」副詞,其語意為:預設「另類集合」(alternative set)中至少有一元素(member)為真。此分析解釋「也」可出現於以下句型,但是「而且」卻要在特定條件下才可以:「什麼…都」句子之前;兩個語義相反的謂語;以及「是」字句。 本文以呂叔湘(1980)對「而且」的分析為出發點,提出「而且」的語意分析與「訊息資訊」(informativity)相關,並且要求其所連接的兩個述語必須屬於同極(same polar);此分析從以下句型「A而且B」的特性得到證明:B蘊含A;B所承載的訊息量多於A;以及B常常帶有「也」、「還」等副詞。(請參閱 BarHillel and Carna (1952), Popper (1959))。 接著,由於呂叔相(1980)與朱德熙(1982)觀察「和」除了可連接名詞片語外,亦可連接動詞及形容詞片語,因此本文認為「和」所連接的是「論元」而非「名詞性片語」;此「論元」或為ㄧ階述語的論元;或為高階述語的論元。 最後,從中英比較得知以下結論:中文「也」的語意與英文 ‘too’或 ‘also’的語意相同;然而,中文「而且」的語意與英文‘and’有很大的不同。
This thesis studies two topics: (I) an additive adverb ye ‘also’; (II) two coordinators erqie ‘and’ and he ‘and’, which conjoin different types of conjuncts. We shall first argue that syntactically ye behaves as an adverb in the coordinated construction; semantically ye presupposes that there is at least one contextually salient expression P that is distinct from the sentence with ye is true (cf. Rooth (1985, 1992, 1997), Rullmann (2003), Tsai (2004)). Second, we shall argue that syntactically, erqie can conjoin clauses and phrases (except NPs); semantically, erqie presupposes informativeness, and requires its conjuncts to be the same polar (cf. BarHillel and Carna (1952), Popper (1959)). Third, we suggest that the idea that he conjoins nominal expressions be challenged by linguistic data observed by Lu (1980) and Zhu (1982). Thus, we propose that syntactically he conjoin arguments of either first-order predicate or higher-order predicate. Crosslinguistically, the English counterpart of ye is too/also, whereas, the properties of erqie are not parallel to those of and.
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