標題: 我國小學女性教師參與教師會之研究
The Research on the Involvement of the Female Elementary School Teachers in Taiwan at the Teachers Association
作者: 彭靜萍
關鍵字: 國小;女性教師;參與;教師會;elementary school;female teachers;involvement;teacher association
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 本研究旨在探究我國小學女性教師參與教師會的現況、困境、影響,並提出因應對策與思維觀點,強化女性教師在教師會中的參與度。為達研究目的,本研究透過文獻分析與問卷調查蒐集資料,針對台灣地區(包括台、澎、金、馬)之已成立學校教師會的公立國民小學進行問卷調查,研究對象為學校編制內合格正式女性教師,先後寄發紙本問卷共2568 份,有效回收1435 份,其後運用描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、積差相關分析、二因子變異數分析進行考驗與統計分析,並根據問卷結果擬定半結構式的訪談大綱,針對5位教師會成員進行深入訪談,以求深入瞭解。根據研究結論,希冀對學校教育行政單位、教師會、女性教師及未來研究提出建議,強化女性教師在教師會中的參與度、影響力與發展空間,提出因應對策與思維觀點,提供有關單位做進一步研究之參考。 根據問卷調查及個案研究結果,本研究的發現如下: 一、國小女性教師對教師會的組織參與尚屬良好。 二、國小女性教師對教師會具有高度的需求期望。 三、國小女性教師對教師會所知覺到的多重困境阻礙。 四、已婚、班級導師、服務年資16年以上,學校規模越大的國小女性教師有較高的組織參與。 五、已婚、專任與班級導師、學校規模較大之國小女性教師有較高的需求期望。 六、不同婚姻狀況、班級導師、資深、學校規模較大之國小女性教師有較高的困境阻礙。 七、國小女性教師對教師會的需求期望過高時,對其是否參與教師會有負面影響。 八、國小女性教師對教師會的困境阻礙過大時,對其參與程度有負面影響。 最後,依據分析與研究結論,提出具體之建議如下: 一、對學校行政單位的建議 (一)、因應學校內組織多元化,鼓勵教師參與教師會。 (二)、學校應調整與教師會之關係,健全互動溝通管道。 二、對教師會的建議 (一)、落實宣導,拉近城鄉差距,強化女性教師對組織的了解。 (二)、因應女性教師需求期望,提升教師的權益與能力。 (三)、重視女性教師所面臨的困境阻礙,謀求結構制度面的改善。 (四)、鼓勵未婚、資淺、學校規模小的女性教師參與教師會。 (五)、增加組織中女性會務幹部的比例,強化女性教師的參與。 三、對女性教師的建議 (一)、積極參與教師會,拓展視野與不斷學習,促進個人全方位發展。 (二)、革新性別思維,跳脫傳統兩性既定框架。 (三)、積極參與公共事務,提升女性決策地位。
The purpose of this study is to investigate the present situation, difficulties and effects of the involvement of the female elementary school teachers in Taiwan in the teachers association and propose the corresponding proposal and thought to enhance their involvement. In order to accomplish what mentioned above, through the literature review and questionnaire survey, a total of 2568 copies of the questionnaires were sent to the elementary school which establishes teachers association in Taiwan area, including the Taiwan island, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu. The description statistical analysis, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation analysis and two-way ANOVA are used in the data analysis. Detailed interviews after the result of the questionnaire survey, are conducted with 5 members of teachers association to have a better understanding. Finally, some suggestions based on the conclusions are proposed to the authorities of school administration, teachers association and female teacher for further development in order to enhance the involvement, influence and scope of female teachers in the teachers association and future studies. . The questionnaire survey and detailed interview acquired the following conclusions: 1.The current involvement of female teachers in the teachers association is well. 2.The female teachers have high demand of the teachers association. 3.The female teachers have the multiple blocks to the teachers association. 4.The married, class teachers, more than 16 years in service, larger scale school female teacher have the greater involvement in the teachers association. 5.The married, subject teachers and class teachers, larger scale school female teacher have the greater demand in the teachers association. 6.Different married status, class teachers, senior and larger scale school female teacher have the greater the multiple block and difficulties. 7.The greater demand to teachers associations of the female teachers have more negative impact in the involvement in the teachers association. 8.The greater difficulties to teachers associations of the female teachers have more negative impact in the involvement in the teachers association. Finally, the suggestions are as following: 1.The authority of school administration □Encourage the female teachers to participate the teachers association. □School and teachers association adjust the attitude and normalize the relationship. 2.Teachers association □Carry out propaganda and reduce the gap between village and city, enhanced the understanding to teachers association of female teachers. □Confront the demand of female teacher and enlarge the rights and interests of teachers. □Pay attention to the difficulties of what female teacher faces and try to improve in structural policy. □Encourage the unmarried, junior, small scale school female teachers to involve in teachers association. □Increase the amount of the female cadre members in the teachers association and enhance their involvement. 3.Female teachers □Enlarge the life scope and keep learning to promote the overall personal development. □Innovate the thinking and jump out the traditional frame of sex. □Participate the public affair to promote the status of female decision.


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