標題: 偵測核糖核酸 H 型偽結之研究
A Study of Detecting RNA H-type Pseudoknots
作者: 黃群翔
Chun-Hsiang Huang
Chin Lung Lu
關鍵字: 生物資訊;計算生物學;核糖核酸;H 型偽結;啟發式策略;Bioinoformatics;Computational Biology;RNA;H-type Pseudoknot;Heuristic Approach
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 已知在所有種類的核糖核酸序列中幾乎皆可找到所謂的偽結,在生物反應的過程中,這些偽結被認為扮演著重要功能性的角色。除此之外,目前大多數的核糖核酸偽結皆屬於 H 型。因此,偵測這些 H 型的偽結將有助於我們瞭解核糖核酸的結構及相關的功能。然而,現有的程式對於這種 H 型偽結的偵測仍然是相當費時,甚至有些時候其偵測出來的偽結是不正確的。因此,發展一個有效率且準確度高的工具來偵測 H 型的核糖核酸偽結是件值得研究的課題。在本論文中, 我們提出了一個啟發式的策略,並且根據這個策略發展出一個全新的工具 HPknotter 來正確而且有效率地偵測核糖核酸序列中的 H 型偽結。除此之外,我們也利用一些已知具有 H 型偽結的核糖核酸序列來測試並證明 HPknotter 的適用性及準確度。
RNA H-type pseudoknots are ubiquitous pseudoknots that are known to be found in almost all classes of RNA sequences and thought to play a functionally important role in variety of biological processes. Hence, detecting these RNA H-type pseudoknots will enhance our understanding of RNA structures and their associated functions. However, the currently existing programs for detecting such RNA H-type pseudoknots are still time-consuming and sometimes even ineffective. Therefore, efficient and effective tools for detecting the RNA H-type pseudoknots are needed. In this thesis, we propose a heuristic approach to develop a novel tool, called HPknotter, for accurately and efficiently detecting RNA H-type pseudoknots in a given RNA sequence. In addition, we demonstrate the applicability and effectiveness of our HPknotter by testing it on several RNA sequences with known H-type pseudoknots.


  1. 151501.pdf

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