標題: 專業晶圓代工二線廠商在後摩爾定律時代經營策略個案研究- 以世界先進為例
A Study on The Competitive Strategy of Second-String Semiconductor Foundry in Post-Moore-Law Age - Vanguard International Semiconductor Corporation (VIS)
作者: 高季安
Chi-An Kao
Gin-Yuan Lee
關鍵字: 晶圓代工;競爭策略;SWOT 分析;關鍵成功因素;產品生命週期;Foundry;Competitive strategy;SWOT analysis;Key success factor;Product Life Cycle
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 台積電於 1987年成立全球第一家提供晶圓專業製造服務的公司,而聯電亦在1995 年轉型並開始從事專業晶圓代工服務。台積電與聯電創造的亮麗成績,使台灣以專業代工,成功發展出我國IC 產業異於他國的獨特業務型態。而由於台灣的代工經營模式相當成功,這也吸引其它國家的半導體業者,開始介入晶圓代工的市場,競爭日益激烈。 本研究旨在了解全球半導體與晶圓代工產業發展現況,以及未來趨勢,並探討晶圓代工二線廠商在面對全球多方的強力市場競爭壓力下,其為求生存及發展所應發展的競爭策略。綜合歸納出研究結論,並提出具體建議,俾提供晶圓代工二線業者於未來競爭策略的制定、與其相關之主管機關於研擬發展政策之參考。 本研究首先探討相關文獻,做為研究的理論基礎。並進行全球晶圓代工廠商產能、市場供需、市場機會進行資料的蒐集與分析。並以二線代工業者世界先進進行競爭分析,並找出其擁有的優勢與劣勢,與其所面對的機會與威脅。而後製成SWOT 競爭分析及理論之最佳策略, 與近年其發展之實際策略對照作為驗證, 並依此模型發展未來後摩爾定律時代來臨時之二線代工業者因應策略。 本研究結果顯示,世界先進在競爭策略的方向,應該朝技術移轉、降低成本、與提升服務等三方面發展, 並與台積電相輔相成構成泛台積電集團達到雙贏的效果。同時,在後摩爾定律時代來臨時, 建議二線廠商應積極與一線代工廠商形成策略聯盟, 確定技術來源, 發展出更大的獲利空間。
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), established in 1987, was the first foundry service company globally. In 1995, United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC) also changed its business focus from IDM to the foundry service. Due to the successful operation experience, and outstanding performance & achievement of these two world-class companies, Taiwan has been developing into a unique business model that also brings many other global competitors into this field. The primary purpose of this research is to understand the present stage of global foundry service as well as the future trends. Moreover, this research will focus on the competitive strategies of the second-string foundry in the competitive environment. And the suggestion and conclusion also provide the second-string foundry and official authorities the future reference material. The first part of this research is to study the relevant literatures of the field as the theoretical basis of the thesis. Secondly, collect and analyze the information about manufacturing capacity, market opportunities, and supply & demand relations of major companies worldwide. After that, this research goes through Vanguard International Semiconductor Corporation (VIS) SWOT analysis to find out the strength, weakness, opportunity, threat and the theoretical strategy to VIS. And then compare the theoretical strategy with the VIS actual strategy to verify. Finally apply this model to explore the future strategy of the second-string foundry in the coming post-Moore-Law age. This research reveals that VIS should focus on three major competition strategies - technology transfer, cost minimization, and service enhancement, and co-work with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) to form the TSMC group to get the win-win solution. Meanwhile, for the challenge in the coming post-Moore-Law age, the second-string foundry should create more benefit by the alliance with the leading foundry.
Appears in Collections:Thesis