Title: 晶圓代工提高準交率之派工法則
A study of dispatch rules for improving delivery schedule accuracy in foundry FAB
Authors: 張智堯
Chih-Yau Chang
Dr. Chi Chiang
Keywords: 派工法則;準交率;Dispatching rule;DSA
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract:   由於晶圓代工業的前景可觀,許多業者紛紛投入晶圓代工的行列,但因市場的競爭而且產品生周期的縮短,導致客製化的生產需求在競爭激烈的晶圓代工環境中不斷出現,在顧客至上的理念下,故晶圓代工業者無不以滿足客戶的需求為最重要的目標。
利用供應鏈的模式所引伸出來的交貨模式稱為”準交”(Delivery Schedule Accuracy),故其評估的指標是可準時交貨的比例,此舉可解決因交貨日的變動造成客戶存貨控制產生困擾。
The flourishing foundry of semiconductor fabrication induces more competitors into this business model. For enhancing the satisfactions of customer, the foundry FAB have to provide the more accurate wafer out date to customer to arrange the backend capacity to meet market demand.
In the past, on time delivery is a mature method to customer, that mean is good for actual wafer out date ahead the original committed date. But, recently, the issue of inventory control become more challenge due to inventory cost will increase the operation cost and reduce the profit.
Supplier chain management was generated to reduce the risk of inventory. Delivery Schedule Accuracy mean is a new business model to shorten the gap from actual wafer out date and committed date to reduce the risk from inventory.
In this thesis to study of dispatch rules that are combined some mature rules for improving delivery schedule accuracy.
Appears in Collections:Thesis