Title: 無線通訊IC設計業之新產品評估模式
On the Evaluation of New Products in Wireless Communication IC Design Company
Authors: 蔡善先
Shan-Hsien Tsai
Lee-Ing Tong
Keywords: 新產品;無線通訊IC設計;多準則決策理論;New Products;Wireless communication IC design;Multiple Criteria Decision Making(MCDM)
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 世界各地的大小企業如今都已不可避免地陷入新產品的戰爭中,以爭取更高的市場佔有率,或在新的市場中搶佔一席之地,這些新產品不論是消費性產品、工程用產品、食品或是電腦晶片,無一倖免。目前台灣積體電路(intergated circuit,IC)設計產業之規模僅次於美國,已成為全球第二大國,但無線通訊IC設計業仍落後國外甚多。如今在市場快速變化的環境下,無線通訊IC設計公司唯有以積極的創新精神,不斷研發新的技術、開發新的產品及提高產品的附加價值,才能為企業創造更高的價值。本研究以實務的角度,深入分析無線通訊IC設計業的特質,並結合此產業新產品評估之關鍵因素與多準則決策理論,發展出一套無線通訊IC設計業之新產品篩選與評估機制。本研究以層級分析法(analytic hierarchy process,AHP)先求得各準則的權重,然後用VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR)法以妥協(compromise)的概念處理評估準則之間相互競爭的問題,來進行新產品間的排序,期使我們能在複雜的問題上作出正確的決策。從個案分析的結果顯示,本研究所提出的新產品篩選與評估機制,可以將複雜的新產品開發相關因素予以單純化,利用簡易的模式指引新產品的開發,可以避免企業投注太多資源在成功率不高的新產品上。
In order to strive for higher market share or seize one seat in the new market, all the big or small enterprises in the world are unavoidably facing the war of developing new products. These new products include consumer products, industrial products, food or even computer chips. At present, the scale of Taiwan IC design industry is only behind USA, which ranks number two in the whole world. But the design of wireless communication IC still falls behind USA a lot. Facing the fast evolving marketing environment, the Taiwan wireless IC design companies will be forced to adopt active innovative spirit to develop new products with more add-on values. Thus the benefits of this enterprise will be increased. The purpose of this thesis is to first analyze the essential factors for designing the wireless communication IC and then to combine the key criteria of assessment of this new product using Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) to develop a system of screening and evaluation of the new products of wireless communication IC. The approach is to find the weighting factor of each criteria using AHP, and then the VIKOR with compromise is used to deal with the competitive nature of all criteria to yield the ranking of them. This will lead us to the correct decision of developing this new product. From the results of case studies, the developed screening and evaluation system for wireless communication IC in this thesis can simplify the complicated factors to lead the company to develop new products with correct direction. This will reduce the risk and increase the profit of the wireless communication IC design company for developing new products.
Appears in Collections:Thesis