DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorLi, I-Lunen_US
dc.contributor.authorChen, Chun-Yuen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來國內外對於環境與職業安全衛生的重視下,而不斷提出相關議題,要求國家及企業去遵守,其中也包括環境管理系統(ISO 14001)與職業安全衛生管理系統(OHSAS 18001)。ISO 14001與OHSAS 18001起源於1996年及2001年,並分別在2004年及2007年改版,因為運作模式相同(PDCA動態運作模式),因此大部份企業會一併推動以減少人力及金錢上的浪費。雖然許多專家學者提出推動環安衛管理系統後的效益,但並未實際驗證其效果,因此本研究針對某LED廠推動環安衛管理系統後,利用此廠風險評估的結果與制度面及改善後的變化,來驗證其成效。在研究過程中,風險評估的結果代表廠內的環安衛現況,也可以作為目標、標的及改善專案。另外,由風險評估結果可發現員工對「安衛」衝擊的重視,也表示此廠在這方面亟需改善的方向,來降低其廠內風險及危害。此外,這幾年此廠各部門推動的改善專案後,不但降低廠內部份活動或作業的風險,也改善廠內環安衛的現況。 本研究的結果,不但驗證了各專家學者提出推動環安衛管理系統後的效益,另外也為此廠帶來其他有形或無形中的成效(例如從高階主管至一般員工對環安衛的重視)。最後,本研究針對此廠推動環安衛管理系統過程中,所發現的缺失提出建議,期望未來此廠持續推動環安衛管理系統,除更了解廠內現況並改善外,並且「主動」參與國際間的議題來促進廠內環安衛的狀況,達到「持續改善」及「永續發展」的精神。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractRecently, with both local and international emphasis on environment and occupational safety and hygiene conditions, there have been numerous relevant issues proposed for compliance conducted by nations and business organizations. Among them, the proposals also include environmental management systems (ISO 14001) and occupational health and safety management systems (OHSAS 18001). ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 were separately generated in 1996 and 2001. They were further revised separately in 2004 and 2007. Due to the same operation mode (PDCA –the dynamic operation mode), most business organizations spend the same effort for system promotion to reduce the waste caused by labor and money. Although there have been numerous experts and scholars proposing the efficiency after promoting environmental amd occupational health and safety management systems, there is still no effectiveness examined actually. This research spends focusing effort on a LED factory with environmental and occupational health and safety management systems promoted. Thereafter, the risk assessment results and system changes after improvement effort made for this factory are used to examine effectiveness. In the research process, the results of risk assessment can represent current conditions of internal environment and occupational safety and hygiene. They can be held as targets for improvement projects, also. Additionally, from the results of risk assessment, the changes to employees’ emphasis on safety and hygiene can be found. It also shows the direction urgently required for immediate improvement effort made by this factory to reduce internal risks and damages. Furthermore, after this factory has spent effort for improvement projects at various departments for past few years, not only the risk for internal activities and operation are reduced, but also the internal environment and occupational safety and hygiene are well improved. The results of this research cannot only verify the promoted efficiency of environmental and occupational health and safety management systems proposed by experts and scholars, but also bring with other tangible and intangible effectiveness (such as the emphasis on environment and occupational safety and hygiene conditions placed by the factory personnel from general employees to high rankers.). Finally, in this research, by focusing on the process with the effort to promote environmental and occupational health and safety management systems internally, the defects can be proposed. It is expected that the internal environmental and occupational health and safety management systems can be promoted continuously. Aside from more insightful understanding of internal status, the aggressive involvement effort is also spent on international issues to improve environment and occupational safety and hygiene. It aims to reach the spirits of continuous improvement and eternal development.en_US
dc.subjectEnvironmental Management Systemen_US
dc.subjectOccupational Health and Safety Management Systemen_US
dc.subjectEffectiveness Analysisen_US
dc.title某LED廠推動ISO 14001與OHSAS 18001管理系統的成效分析zh_TW
dc.titlePerformance Evaluation of the ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 Management Systems in a LED Factoryen_US


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