Title: 新竹科學工業園區緊急應變機制建立規劃
Design on The Emergency Response Institution of Hsinchu Science-based Industrial Park
Authors: 陳家慶
Chia-Ching Chen
Chiun-Shun Chen
Keywords: 緊急應變體制;救災量能;應變對策;emergency response institution;rescuing capacity;response plan
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 本論文共分五章。第一章為緒論,主要在於說明本研究之動機目的與對象範圍以及進行的方法與流程。第二章為國內災害緊急應變體制現況比較與探討,本章主要在於蒐集國內災害防救相關法規,各災害防救基本計畫,災害防救業務計畫、業務內容、災害標準作業程序等現況資料加以分類探討及分析,並藉由訪談中央及縣(市)政府相關災害防救業務單位,探討比較目前國家整體災害防救體系整體架構以及地方縣(市)政府(以新竹市政府為例)災害緊體應變體制,進 而了解目前橫跨多個縣(市)政府,卻直屬中央之新竹科學工業園區災害應變體制的差異性。第三章為新竹科學工業園區目前公部門救災量能探討,本章將針對新竹科學工業園區與鄰近區域特性相近之新竹市政府目前公部門救災量能相互比較及探討,以了解新竹科學工業園區救災量能狀況及負荷程度,作為未來建構及提升新竹科學工業園區災害防救工作之參考依據。第四章則為新竹科學工業園區災害緊急應變機制之規劃,本章主要在於強化竹南、龍潭、竹北等衛星園區災害應變機制,修正新竹科學工業園區災害應變中心組織架構及任務分工、建立災害應變中心開設時機以及人員進駐輪值作業機制,並針對新竹科學工業園區目前現行災害防救作業手冊內容不足之處提供修正建議,另因新竹科學工業園區尚未針對震災及空難部分訂定災害緊急應變對策,於本章中將一併協助研議訂定,作為提供新竹科學工業園區建構上述二災害應變對策之使用參考。最後第五章為本研究執行的結論與建議,提供新竹科學工業園區提升災害防救工作以及災害防救機制之參考依據。
This thesis consists of five Chapters. The first Chapter is an introduction, which includes motive, research scope, approaching method and procedure. The second chapter makes the comparisons and discussions based on domestic disaster emergency response system at present. However, it mainly discusses the disaster emergency systems by interviewing the disaster preventing and responding service departments of central and local governments and collects the domestic plans, acts, regulations and standard operating procedures of disaster prevention and response, then analyses the differences of disaster prevention and response system of Hsinchu Science-based Industrial Park with the ones of central and local governments. Chapter three discusses the comparisons of rescuing capacity of Science Park Administration at present with the one of Hsinchu City Government to realize the rescuing condition and load degree to construct and promote the works of disaster prevention and response of Science Park Administration accordingly in the future. Chapter four proposes the possible emergency response structure for Science-based Industrial Park. It mainly lies in strengthening the satellites parks, such as Chunan, Longtan and Chupei parks, revising the organization and duty divisions of disaster emergency response center at Science-based Industrial Park, establishing what time to set up the disaster emergency response center, and constructing the occasion for stationing and alternation of the staffs in disaster emergency response center. This chapter also reviews the insufficient parts of disaster prevention and response handbook of Science-based Industrial Park, and provides the appropriate upgrading suggestions. In addition, the disaster emergency response plans for earthquake and aircraft are proposed. Finally, the conclusions and suggestions, which could be the refered to promote the disaster emergency system of Hsinchu Science-based Industrial Park from this research are given in Chapter Five. Keywords:emergency response institution, rescuing capacity, response plan.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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