Title: 挑高或大空間煙控系統性能設計與規格式法規分析之研究
The Comparison Study on the Prescription- and Performance-based Designs of Smoke Control System in Atrium or Large Spaces
Authors: 丁春能
Chun-Neng Ting
Chiun-Hsun Chen
Keywords: 挑高;大空間;煙控設計;容積;條例式;性能設計;atria;large spaces;smoke control design;capability;Prescription;Performance-based Designs
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract:   台灣各類建築物建造時其消防設計所遵循的火災安全法規為典型條例式(Prescription )法規,由於時代演進及經濟蓬勃發展,其建築物使用類型態日趨多變,對於具備中庭或挑高與大(開闊)空間之建築物而言,要一體適用辦公室或住宅等建築類似之條例式消防法規,作為其火災煙控系統設計之依據,實有其困難性,是類建築物如何利用性能式火災安全設計方法(performance-based fire safety design method) 來做為此類建築物之煙控系統設計依據,以符法規,此即本文之研究動機所在。又「各類場所消防安全設備設置標準」第189 條第7 款中規定:「前款之排煙機應能隨任一排煙口之開啟而動作,其排煙量不得小於每分鐘120 立方公尺,且在一防煙區劃時,不得小於該防煙區劃面積每平方公尺每分鐘1 立方公尺,在二區以上之防煙區劃時,應不得小於最大防煙區劃面積每平方公尺每分鐘2 立方公尺…」故照目前台灣現行法規中規定之排煙量,被認定為跟樓地板面積成直接正比例關係;然對於挑高或大空間寬廣建築物其容積大,蓄煙能力佳,是以,煙控設計與建築物容積之關係密不可分。此類特殊之建築形態,若使用防煙垂壁,或在其兩端造成壓力差以限制煙流動,是不可能也不切實際之作法,最為有效可行之煙控方式,善以大空間龐大之空間容量作為蓄煙之用。本文乃藉蒐集國內煙控系統性能設計案例比較分析,探究國內消防設計─排煙設備法規之問題,並期能對國內煙控系統設計及對國內排煙設備法規有所助益。
Traditionally, buildings in Taiwan have been designed to meet the requirements of prescriptive-based fire codes. However, these codes do not thoroughly take into account the intended use of a space, such as the open environments, large non-compartmented spaces and atria, and they are slow to catch up with the latest advanced technologies. For example, Article 189.1 (7) of the Standard for Installation of Fire Safety Equipments Based on Use and Occupancy states: “The above-mentioned induced draft fan shall be enabled to start running with the opening of any exhaust port, and its capability shall not be less than 120m3/min, and when placed in a smoke compartment, not less than 1m3/min for every square meter of the compartment; in two or more smoke-proof compartments, not less than 2m3/min for every square meter of the largest compartment. But when in a passage of an underground building, the total desmoke capability shall not be less than 600m3/min.” In other words, the exhausted volume of smoke has long been thought in proportion to the floor area. In fact, the smoke control design in large spaces and atria technically correlates closely with the volume of buildings, which can contain smoke instead of creating a pressure sandwich by using smoke curtain for exhausting smoke in the area of the fire to confine smoke into the fire origin. This thesis investigates and analyses the questions of the domestic fire and smoke management policies and criteria. Besides, the purpose of this research is to provide a solution to the current smoke exhaust design in buildings with large spaces and atria through a performance-based smoke control design method.
Appears in Collections:Thesis