Title: 熱切拉鏈之斷面改善
An improvement in heated-cutting surface of the zipper
Authors: 魯國瑞
Guoruei Lu
Chinghua Hung
Keywords: 拉鏈;熱切;田口方法;zipper;heat-cutting;Taguchi method
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 本論文旨在研究以加熱刀具切斷拉鏈時,鏈帶斷面遭污染現象之改善,以避免高溫變色之殘料黏著於拉鏈切斷面,造成品質不良狀況發生,且仍需保持熱切拉鏈斷面不易鬆脫之優點。
When zipper is cut by heated cutter, the melted zipper often sticks on the surface of the cutter. The adhesion becomes tar like because of staying in the high temperature. So the zipper ends followed could be polluted by this adhesion.

By using Taguchi method in the first stage of research, permuting different kinds of cutter materials, surface roughness, cutting temperature, coating layers, the lowest sticky conduction to prevent the adhesion polluting zipper ends was obtained. However, in this conduction the zipper ends might become thready.

During the second stage of research, conditions from previous stage were adopted, such as cutter with high thermal conductivity and coating layer with best wear-resisting property. With sharp cutter edge and minimized female-male cutting gap, a suitable working temperature (210℃in this research) was obtained through additional experiments, which gives satisfactory cutting results.
Appears in Collections:Thesis