Title: TFT-LCD建廠施工管理與各世代之比較
Construction management of TFT-LCD Fab construction and comparisons of different generations
Authors: 顏君賢
Chun-Hsien Yen
Wei-Chih Wang
Keywords: TFT-LCD;建廠特性;施工管理;TFT-LCD;construction characteristics;construction management
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 國內高科技產業比重日趨走高,亦有高成長機會,尤其以薄膜電晶體顯示器(Thin Film Transistor-Liquid crystal Display)為首,每年皆有爆發力之成長,且廠房規模皆以倍數成長,然而建廠工期則受限於生產機台製造時間,其間各階段之界面及變更設計不斷產生,如何有效及維持組織之運作,在TFT-LCD建廠之文獻少有涉及施工管理之實務,及各世代廠房演進之差異及比較。土建工程佔TFT-LCD廠房興建成本比重不高,若以投資金額比重來說僅5~10%而已,但土建工程與廠務系統之界面繁雜且密切,再再影響建廠之順利與否,減少界面衝突、縮短時程、降低成本為TFT-LCD廠房興建過程之要務。本研究透過文獻回顧第3.5代、第4代、第5代、第6代、第7.5代廠案例分析及專家訪談,調查各世代廠房結構系統、建廠組織、界面整合管理之實例說明,及以實務經驗彙整建廠應注意事項及執行關鍵,以供參考。
The ratio of high technology industry of industrial circles is increasing every day in Taiwan along with an opportunity of highly growth. The explosive growth of the thin film transistor-liquid crystal display (TFT-LCD) leads in the industry with multiple growth in the scale of the fab. The time limit of fab-building is restricted by the time of manufacture of the machine, the interface at all phases and the design amendment occurred constantly. The organization of fab-building operating effectively and smoothly will meet the expected time of the fab-building. Past studies regarding TFT-LCD fab-building seldomly involves with the practical affairs and the differences of all generation fab’s evolution as well as comparison. This research has reviewed the article of the project analysis of generation 3.5, 4, 5, 6, and 7.5 and interviewed the experts of the TFT-LCD fab. Moreover, this work included the investigation of the structural system, the organization of fab-building and the illustration of the interface coordination. Addifionallg, practical experience and keys to support TFT-LCD construction projects are provided.
Appears in Collections:Thesis