標題: 初探高中生的思考風格對其作業選擇與異質小組合作過程之影響
Effects of High School Student's Thinking Styles on Task Choices and Heterogeneous Group Cooperation
作者: 江明珠
Ming-Chu Chiang
Chuen-Tsai Sun
關鍵字: 學習過程;思考風格;合作學習;Learning Process;Thinking Style;Cooperative Learning
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 本研究旨在探討高中生的思考風格對個人及小組階段的作業選擇之影響,並分析經由思考風格分組的異質小組合作過程之行為展現。在經過文獻探討後,採前實驗研究之單組前測-後測設計架構,以158名高中生為研究對象,採用「思考風格問卷」、「自編作業單」及「自編合作過程問卷」等研究工具,進行問卷施測、個人作業及小組作業之實驗。經過次數分配表、皮爾森積差相關及卡方檢定等統計分析,將主要發現予以歸納結論,並進一步提出具體建議,以提供教師在教學活動及合作分組時之參考。實驗結果顯示: 一、單高風格者的思考風格與個人階段的作業選擇之行為表現有關係,與小組階段的作業選擇之行為表現則是相互獨立,沒有顯著的關聯。 二、單高風格者在個人與小組階段表現出來的習性作風並不一致。個人階段以司法型風格表現最明顯,小組階段則沒有某種風格表現特別明顯。此外,在個人階段的司法風格與作業選擇的行為表現相符;在小組階段的的司法風格與作業選擇則較為不符。 三、異質小組真實的發展結構大部份符合異質的特性,也就是成員間彼此負責不同風格的工作,且在這些發展出異質結構的小組中,單高風格者大多負責與其風格不符的工作。
This study aims at two goals. The first is to explore the effects of high school students' thinking styles on their personal and group task choices. The second is to analyze the behavior of cooperative process in a heterogeneous group that is formed based on thinking styles. After reviewing related work, we use one-group pretest-posttest design to conduct an experiment. One hundred fifty-eight high school students participated in the research. This study employs three investigative tools, including a standardized “Thinking Style Questionnaire”, a “Cooperative Process Questionnaire” and a “Study Sheets” that were developed by the researcher. We analyzed the experiment result in terms of the choices for personal and group tasks. After statistical analysis of the findings, we reach the following conclusions. 1.The relation between a single-styled person’s thinking style and his/her task choices in the individual stage is obvious. However, the relation between thinking style and task choices in the group stage is independent. 2.The single-styled person’s behavior is inconsistent in individual and group stages. The judicial style matches corresponding behaviors at the personal stage. 3.Heterogeneous groups usually develop heterogeneous task structure, but the single-styled person’s task usually differs from his/her style.
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