Title: 多媒體英語檢測試題與傳統試題之分析比較---以國小高年級生課程範圍為例
A Comparison Study between Multimedia Test Items and Text-based Test Items Based on Primary School English Curriculum
Authors: 李玉珍
Yu-Chen Lee
Deng-Jyi Chen
Keywords: 多媒體試題;傳統紙筆測驗試題;語言測驗;溝通模式;語文系統;非語文系統;Multimedia test items;Text-based test items;language test;communicating comprehension;verbal system;nonverbal system
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 本研究主要目的是在探討不同的英語試題呈現方式是否造成試題屬性的差異?以及受測者使用電腦測驗之態度及如何利用多媒體來協助答題。特別是探討國小學生對於使用電腦多媒體英語測驗的表現與傳統試題測驗是否有所差異。 本研究的實驗對象是一千位台北、新竹地區之國小六年級的學生。所有測試者分為多媒體試題組(Multimedia)及傳統試題組(Text)兩大組方式進行,在資料收集上,主要是以測驗成績差異做量的比較及多媒體試題組的抽樣問卷調查,對使用電腦測驗之態度及操作等作質的分析。 本研究的主要發現為多媒體試題組各項成績皆優於傳統試題組,尤其對中分組差異最大,低分組次之,高分組最小。究其原因如下: 1.多媒體試題較傳統試題的難度明顯降低,顯示多媒體試題有助於以圖像表徵為母語的中國學生對語言的理解,因此合乎多媒體學習理論。。 2.多媒體試題較傳統試題更易模擬真實情境,合乎情境學習理論。 3.多媒體試題較傳統試題具有溝通能力,合乎現階段的語言測驗趨勢。亦呼應現代「溝通式」教學理論。 4.多媒體試題較傳統試題具有互動式功能,較能有語意協商的機會,易使學生獲得成功的經驗,提升中高低能力學生作答的能力,與多媒體試題相較,傳統試題有多數考生較不易了解題意,故無法有較佳的表現。 5.多媒體試題較傳統試題具有豐富的資訊,及溝通功能,較能與生活相結合。使學生能應用所學的語言知識與能力,達到多元評量的效果。 另根據問卷的調查結果,大多數學生對於電腦測驗的態度反應傾向於正面,同時對多媒體測驗的操作、多媒體試題的呈現、測驗結束立刻得知結果的做法等方面亦皆傾向於正面,此外,有70%以上之受測學生喜歡多種媒體同時具備,足見多媒體在試題與受測者之間扮演著溝通的功能。多媒體的呈現對於其答題是有幫助的,尤其是其互動性功能容許學生重覆聽或重覆看,以對試題可以徹底了解,再行作答,消除了學生的緊張情緒,較可以測出學生真正的英語能力。 限於時、地及人力考量,本研究對象僅為國小高年級學生,然因多媒體試題題目可多元變化,作答方式亦較複雜,是否身心較成熟的高、國中生或社會人士較不會受試題呈現方式的不同而受影響?是個值得探討的主題。
Static text/graphic presentation under text based test approach is still the mainstream while conducting a formal English language skill evaluation. Recently, multimedia test item presentation under computer based test approach has gained its attention due to its dynamic presentation ability such as the use of animation and video presentation for the stimuli in the test question. The presentation style of the test question simulates the daily life that we encountered in the real world. This is particularly true for the language learning area such as English language ability evaluation. The purpose of this study is to investigate if English tests presenting in different ways would cause different attributes of the test, namely, the multimedia way and static text/graphic presentation of test items. This study took about 1000 primary school students at the 6th grade for research, primarily at the areas of Taipei and Hsin-Chu. The students were classified in two groups: one taking multimedia English tests, the other one taking Text-based English tests. The quantitative comparison was based on scores given from the test, while the qualitative comparison was based on survey about their attitudes toward multimedia tests and about their ability in managing this kind of tests This study found out that the group taking multimedia English tests outperformed in overall the group taking Text-based English tests. The difference was especially obvious among the students whose ability is in middle of the group. We figured the reasons could be: 1. Multimedia English tests were apparently less difficult than Text-based English tests. They helped Chinese students understand other languages better just like the way Chinese students learned their symbol-like mother language. 2. Multimedia English tests can simulate reality better than Text-based English tests, thus created an atmosphere easier to understand what the question is asking for. 3. Multimedia English tests provided communicating opportunities, matched better than Text-based English tests with recent learning trend. They reflected the latest mathematics theories about “communicating comprehension” as well. 4. Multimedia English tests provided a kind of interaction among students, offered better comprehension of languages for students to learn, helped students experience their learning success, upgrade most students’ ability and willingness on answering questions. 5. Multimedia English tests were more informative, communicative than Text-based English tests. They represented real life that students would be able to apply their language on their daily life and would be able to be tested in a versatile way. Based on our survey results, students showed positive attitudes toward multimedia English tests. They also showed their positive reactions to manage multimedia English tests and to give the immediate feedbacks. Our survey data show that around 70% of the students are expecting to have real multimedia functions. Survey data also shows that the multimedia English tests did offer better communication opportunities between students and tests, multimedia items helped answering questions, most of all, multimedia tests allowed students having possibilities to re-listen and to review the test items. Unlike static text/graphic type test items that students sometimes may encounter difficulty in decoding the semantic meanings of the test question, multimedia test items help students to understand “what is the test question ask for?” in the way that multimedia test items help to understood the semantic meaning of the test question. Due to the time and space cost consideration, this study only addresses students population from elementary environment, it is not clear if the trend remains the same while it is conducting for elder students such as high school and college students.
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