標題: 國二學生的網路搜尋策略與成果:檢視知識觀所扮演的角色
Eighth graders' web searching strategies and outcomes: the role of epistemological beliefs
作者: 杜義文
Yi-Wen Tu
Chin-Chung Tsai
關鍵字: 搜尋任務;網路經驗;知識觀;建構式網路學習環境偏好;搜尋策略;搜尋成就;網路導覽流程圖;searching task;internet experience;epistemological beliefs;preferences toward internet-based learning environments;searching strategies;searching outcomes;web navigation flow map
公開日期: 2004
摘要:   本研究是探討台中縣某所國中二年級學生利用網際網路進行資訊搜尋時,學生的網路經驗、知識觀、建構式網路學習環境偏好、搜尋策略及搜尋成就間的相互關係。   為了解這群國中二年級(八年級)學生所具備的網路搜尋能力及使用的搜尋策略,本研究提出三個待回答的科學知識問題,學生利用網際網路來搜尋這三項任務的解答。學生整個資訊搜尋的過程,由軟體完整的記錄下來,以Lin & Tsai (2005)發展的「網路導覽流程圖(web navigation flow map)」這個新方法,運用五個量化指標,來分析學生的使用的網路搜尋策略。本研究的有效樣本共87人,以問卷的方式了解這87位同學的網路經驗、知識觀及對於建構式網路學習環境的偏好。   本研究發現:搜尋資訊是已知存在且答案比較固定的「封閉式」搜尋任務類型,對於網路經驗較佳的學生,傾向會獲得比較好的搜尋成就;搜尋的資訊是目標並不清楚,需求的資訊較不特定且範圍較廣的「開放式」搜尋任務類型,知識觀較佳(較符合建構主義者觀點)的學生,傾向會獲得比較好的搜尋成就。大多數的學生在進行資訊搜尋時,對於詮釋搜尋題目、形成相關的關鍵字、如何形成正確詞語,仍存在著困難,此外,大多數的學生,對於網路呈現的資訊品質很少去評估;對於取得的資訊,很少做驗證的步驟,學生只想花費最少努力,就找到適合的資訊來滿足需求。本研究認為知識觀在開放的網路環境中,扮演著舉足輕重的角色,如何增進學生的知識觀,是未來重要的研究方向。
This study explored a group of eight graders’ Internet information-seeking strategies and outcomes, and then investigated their relationships to students’ Internet experiences, epistemological beliefs, and preferences toward Internet-based learning environments. To understand the eighth graders’ web searching strategies, this study proposed three science questions in which the students searched on the web to find their answers. The information-seeking process of each student was fully recorded, employing a new method called “web navigation flow map” developed by Lin and Tsai (2005). There were five quantitative indicators derived from the method to analyze students’ web searching strategies. The sample of this study included 87 students. In addition to the web navigation flow map, this study also used a series of questionnaires to assess students’ Internet experiences, epistemological beliefs and preferences toward Internet-based learning environments. This study found that, for the “close-ended” search task in which the answer was quite fixed, the students with richer Internet experiences could attain better searching outcomes. On the other hand, for the “open-ended” search task in which the goal was not certainly clear and the target information was unknown, the students with more advanced epistemological beliefs (concurring with the constructivist view) could achieve better searching outcomes. A majority of the student had difficulty in interpreting search questions and generating appropriate keywords. In addition, most students rarely assessed the quality of information found on the web. That is, they seldom verified the information they retrieved on the web. The students tended to expend minimum efforts by simply finding sufficient information to meet the task need. This study asserted that epistemological beliefs play a very important role in open-ended Internet learning environments. How to promote students’ epistemological beliefs will be a critical issue for future research.


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