標題: 網路學習環境中之科學學習:科學認識觀與網路搜尋策略之探討
Science learning in the Internet-based learning environments: An exploration about scientific epistemological beliefs and online searching strategies
作者: 林佳慶
Chia-Ching Lin
Chin-Chung Tsai
關鍵字: 科學認識觀;網路訊息評判標準;搜尋策略;科學學習;scientific epistemological views;information commitments;information searching;science learning
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 科學認識觀在科學教育領域中一直被許多學者認為其會影養學生科學學習的歷程。同時,當學生在網路學習環境中進行科學學習相關活動時,也會使用不同的策略與標準來尋找並評判網路上所呈現出的科學相關訊息。本研究利用「科學認識觀點」及「網路訊息評判標準」問卷探討台灣高中學生對於科學知識所持有的認識論觀點及網路訊息評判的標準,並利用「網路導覽流程圖」方法來觀察和分析高中學生如何在開放式網路環境中搜尋相關資料以完成科學相關任務的學習歷程,進一步地探討學生所持有的科學認識觀點、網路訊息評判標準及搜尋策略對於其在網路環境中科學學習成效的影響。經由分析62位台灣高中生樣本,研究結果發現台灣高中學生所持有的科學認識觀、網路訊息評判標準與搜尋策略對於網路環境中的科學學習成效具有顯著的關聯性。而在具有時間限制的網路科學學習活動中,利用較多時間來瀏覽特定網頁內容的學生表現出較佳的學習成效。此外,研究結果中發現台灣高中學生同時會持有不同組合的科學認識觀點與網路搜尋評判標準,而科學認識觀點與網路搜尋評判標準間具有顯著的關聯性。再者,迴歸分析的結果進一步地發現具有建構主義取向的科學認識觀與適切的網路訊息評判標準的學生,在網際網路學習環境下表現出較佳的科學學習成效。因此,研究者認為在網路學習環境中除了必須重視學生認知與後設認知學習策略的發展外,同時也必須進一步地瞭解學生所持有的認識觀點。本研究建議在未來網路環境,尤其是在開放式的網路學習環境下,除了協助學生發展合適的搜尋策略外,更必須瞭解學生的科學認識觀點並在其融合在以網路為基礎的科學相關學習活動設計與發展中,讓學生透過網路學習環境下的科學學習活動中發展出建構式取向的科學認識觀。
This study was conducted to explore the interrelationships between students’ scientific epistemological views, information commitments, searching strategies and Internet-based science learning performances. Two self-reporting questionnaires, direct observations and in-depth interviews were employed to collect both quantitative and qualitative data. Through analyzing 62 Taiwanese high school students’ questionnaire responses, coding of direct observations and interview results, the following findings were revealed. High school students’ scientific epistemological views, information commitments, searching strategies, in some ways, were significantly related to the Internet-based science learning performances. In an Internet-based science learning activity with time constraint, female students spent more time on inspecting the content of Webpages than males and acquired better science learning performance. Both quantitative and qualitative results showed that students possessed different combinations of scientific epistemological scientific views or information commitments to deal with the encountering information on the Internet;and, some of students’ scientific epistemological views were significantly related to their information commitments. The results of regression analysis indicated that some of students’ information commitments could predict their Internet-science learning performances. Further, students having constructivist-oriented views toward science and proper information commitments may perform better than the others with empiricist-oriented views and inappropriate commitments. Consequently, the findings in this study revealed the importance of scientific epistemological views, information commitments and searching strategies in the open-ended online science learning activities. In addition to enhancing student’ searching strategies, the design of the Internet-based learning environments may not only include cognitive and metacognitive developments, but also address the concerns of epistemologies in the future.


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