Title: 網路化精熟學習系統對於技藝性科目學習成效影響之研究─以電腦軟體應用丙級技術士學科為例
A Study of Learning Effectiveness of Networked Mastery Learning System on Technological Subject -A Case Study of Testing for C Class Software- Application Certificate
Authors: 莊智軍
Chih-Chun Chuang
Shyuan-Ming Yuan
Keywords: 精熟學習;補救教學;網路學習;Mastery Learning;Remedy Lecturing;Networked Learning
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 在現今許多教育及研究學習領域的學者,大多數建議老師在教導學生學習時,須注意「個別化的差異」。然而在提倡常態分班以及一個班級人數眾多的情形下,「補救教學」便形成必要的措施。由Bloom於1960年代所提出的精熟學習概念中,他認為給予學習者充分的時間以及好的教學品質,幾乎所有的學生都可以學會所學習的內容。在精熟學習概念中,最重要的一環是引入補救教學的措施。由於在補救教學活動中,若要針對個別學生的精熟程度,而實施個別的補救教學,會增加老師的許多負擔,「何時補救?」、「何地補救?」立即成為教師的困擾,但若未採取個別的補救教學,則除了教學成效可能會不彰之外,相對的會讓學生失去學習的興趣與自信,因而成為被忽略的一群。 協助學生考取證照是技職教育的目標之ㄧ。現今職訓局及仿間相關網站只提供學科線上測驗系統,學習者在網路上測驗後獲得分數後並無進一步的學習。因此,本文提出一個以網路為平台的精熟學習機制,藉由網路的彈性,而可以讓補救教學的活動,在可以適應學生個別需求的方式下進行。這個系統已經在北部某一高級職業學校,進行過初探性的實驗。本研究採實地實驗法進行實驗,實驗對象為二年級相關科系的學生,利用文書處理課程,每週上課三小時,為一學年各三學分。教學課程上學期以電腦軟體應用學科為主,下學期則以術科為主。學科內容乃採題庫性質,計有是非500題,答錯到扣1/2題分;選擇500題,答錯不倒扣。檢定時是非選擇各考50題,60分以上為通過學科測驗,此成績可以保留2年,參與檢定者必須再通過術科檢定,方能取得丙級技術士證照。参與實驗的學生除了在教室中進行傳統的學習之外,必須藉由此系統進行課後自我學習。參予實驗共有3班學生,全部人數為147人;對照組亦有3班學生,全部人數為142人。實驗的目的是要檢驗這個系統對於學生的學習是否有幫助。並且藉由問卷調查,了解到學生對於這個系統的學習態度是否有正面性的影響,並可以增加學生的學習時間。 實驗的結果顯示,學生的成績在前後測的成績差異上達統計的顯著性,實驗組與對照組的成績進步各為5.755與10.554,變異數同質性的Levene檢定未達顯著(F=.000,p=.984>.05),表示這兩個樣本的離散情形無明顯差別,考驗結果t(267)= -3.956,p=.000<.05達顯著水準,反對虛無假設,表示兩個組別的學生在前後測成績進步上有明顯差異。實驗組的平均進步分數10.554明顯高於對照組的5.755。顯示這個系統對於學生的學習上確實有幫助。藉由問卷調查,了解到這個系統對於學生的學習態度、自信心的提升有正面性的影響,對於系統的滿意度方面,71.9%實驗組的學生持正面態度,25.3%無意見,僅有2.8%對系統呈負面評價。而且表達在其他科目的學習過程中,希望能有這種系統之協助的傾向。
Recently, many researchers and scholars in educational domain suggest that teacher should pay more attention on individual difference when teaching students. In Taiwan, the current situation is educational officials ask students should be normally distributed into classes, and there are tens of students in a class, the typical number of students in a class is about 35. It leads to remedial instruction becomes necessary. Mastery learning was introduced by Bloom in 1960s. He claimed that giving sufficient time and good lecturing quality, almost every student can learn every thing well. Remedy lecturing strategy is embedded into mastery learning activity. To let each individual student who doesn’t achieve mastery level gets mastery, remedy instruction should be tailored to meet each individual student’s need. In such circumstance, teachers will incur lots of burden, and it will become infeasible to achieve if the number of students who need to participate remedy activity increases. But when and how to conduct remedy instruction rises up immediately. Assisting student passes official technical certification on professional subjects is one of major teaching aims of vocational high school. Currently, vocational training agency and commercial training providers only provide on line testing system. Learners log into system and perform a pre-defined test, then get score from system. After testing, no any learning or instruction associates with this test is provided, even learner fails. In this paper, a web-based mastery learning mechanism is introduced. Owing to the flexibility of network, remedy instruction may be conducted for fitting each individual student’s need. A pilot study has been done on a vocational high school in northern Taiwan. This study is a field experiment. Students participate this experiment are 2nd grade at vocational high. The experiment course is word processing. The lecturing hour is three hours per week. Lecturing period is 2 semesters. At first semester, teaching focuses on computer software application basic concept, and teaching focuses on hands-on experiment at 2nd semester. The test items for basic concept are taken from an item bank. There are 500 of mark items and 500 of selection items. To check student’s comprehension on basic concept, 50 items of mark items and 50 of selection items are selected from item bank. Student should get at least 60% to pass this test. This score will be retained for 2 years. Student who gets this certification should also pass technical hands-on test to receive Class C certification for computer software application. Students who attend this experiment not only take traditional learning in classroom, but also take self learning on this system after school. There are 147 students distributed in three classes for experiment group, and the number of students in control group is 142 who are distributed in 3 classes. The objective of this study is to understand if this system makes positive effect on student’s learning. The experiment result showed that student’s score between pretest and posttest achieves significant statistically. Student’s progress amount in experiment and control group is 10.554 and 5.755 respectively. By conducting t-test with SPSS 10, the result is t(267)= -3.956,p=.000<.05. It means the difference between these two groups achieves significant statistically. To understand how system affects student’s learning attitude and self confidence for passing test, three questionnaire surveys were conducted before, in and after experiment period. The result showed that student’s self confidence is raised significantly. About 72% of students express positive attitude toward this system, and anticipate using such learning system in other courses.
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