標題: 台北縣各行政區域資源回收之績效評估
Waste Recycling Performance of Boroughs' in Taipei County
作者: 龍小蘭
Hsiao-Lan Lung
Jin-Li Hu
關鍵字: 資源回收;資料包絡分析法;環境顧志耐曲線;Resource Recycling;Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA);Environmental Kuzents’ Curve(EKC)
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 摘要       基於環境的永續發展,資源回收已成為台北縣施政重點之一。然而台北縣各行政區域的地理環境及經濟發展差異甚大,在資源回收的投入及成果展現也不盡相同。關於資源回收的成效,目前仍是以「資源回收率」或某一特定回收物的回收量來評定,此種衡量方式因未將各行政區域的投入納入考量,因而有失公平。 也因此本研究將藉由資料包絡分析法(DEA)方法來建立適當的資源回收評估模式,藉以評估台北縣各鄉鎮市資源回收的投入產出效率。研究對象為台北縣的29個鄉鎮市,期間則自民國89年至93年共5年。本研究發現適當的評估模型應包含了三種投入(環保人力、環保業務費及環保設備)及兩種產出(資源回收率及資源回收量)。其次,若將平均整體效率視為環境品質改善情形,本研究發現在回收效率和區域發展間呈現U字型關係,符合環境顧志耐曲線(EKC)理論。 對於資源回收無效率的地區,本研究提出各鄉鎮市應落實結合社區、學校、回收商及地方政府清潔隊。其次,各鄉鎮市公所亦應增加經濟誘因及加強管制稽查,才能有效改善資源回收之效率。另外,對於位在台北縣東部區域的部分鄉鎮,需擴展回收規模才能改善效率者,本研究建議將該區域的回收業務委外經營,以提升回收效率。
ABSTRACT Toward the goal of the sustainable development, resource recycling has become one of the most important policies in Taipei county. There are significant differences in Taipei County’s administrative districts with respect to the geographic environment and economic development. The recycling rate and recycling quantity of specific items alone cannot be fair measures for waste recycling performance if inputs are not considered. This study uses data envelopment analysis (DEA) to evaluate the efficiency of districts’ waste recycling in Taipei County. The data set includes 29 boroughs in Taipei county during 2000 to 2004. This study demonstrates that an appropriate model consists of three inputs (employees, expenses and equipments of recycling) and two outputs (recycling rate and recycling quantity). The degree of improvement of environmental quality can be represented the average total factor productivity of recycling. There is a U-shaped relation between the recycling efficiency and regional development, which supports the Environmental Kuznets’ Curve (EKC) theory. Cooperation among communities, schools, recycling collectors, and borough’s environmental protection agency can improve recycling efficiency. Meanwhile, increasing economic incentive and enforcement can also improve recycling efficiency. Some boroughs in the eastern area of Taipei County can expand their recycling scale by subcontracting recycling jobs to private firms.