Title: 影響採用電子商務因素-台灣中小企業之實証研究
Electronic Commerce Adoption:An Empirical Study of Small and Medium Taiwan Business
Authors: 陳愛惠
AiHui Chen
Dr.Yingchan Tang
Keywords: 中小企業;電子商務之策略價值;採用電子商務;SMEs;Strategic value of e-commerce;e-Commerce adoption
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 為了發現影響台灣地區中小企業(SMEs)採用電子商務因素,本研究透過網路調查及實體問卷收集來自台灣地區中小企業(SMEs)經理人或是擁有人的資料。結合兩個獨立的研究小組,透過技術接受模型和領域的其他相關的研究啟發,我們以文獻的模式驗證台灣中小企業認知E-commerce之策略價值為1.對企業具支援性、2.對決策具獲益性;並找出影響台灣中小企業高階主管或擁有者採用E-commerce之因素,歸納出下列四點:1.認為有利、2.來自外部壓力、3.企業相容度、4.企業整備度。 更發現中小企業認知E-commerce策略價值與採用E-commerce之因素有密切因果關係,只要認知E-commerce對企業具支援性,對決策具獲益性之策略價值,則中小企業採用電子商務的態度是肯定的。 根據研究結果,本研究對中小企業之建議:採用電子商務是當務之急、租用替代自建。對政府之建議:協助中小企業e化,讓企業根留台灣、應把提升企業的e化應用度列為政府資訊推動的重點、應扮演更積極主動的角色、 建立安全防護的機制、提供企業獎勵。對提供電子商務的業界的建議:提供整合性的解決方案與積極參與政府計劃。
By combining two independent research streams, we examined the determinant factors of strategic value and adoption of electronic commerce as perceived by top managers in small and medium sized enterprises (SME) in the Taiwan of the Republic of China. We proposed a research model that suggested two factors that have been found to be influential in previous research in the perception of strategic value of the other information technologies: operational support ,and strategic decision aids. Inspired by the technology acceptance model and other relevant research in the area, we also identified four factors that influence electronic commerce adoption: perceived benefit, external pressure, organizational compatibility, organizational readiness, ,. We hypothesized a causal link between the perceived strategic value of electronic commerce and electronic commerce adoption. To validate the research model, we collected data from top managers/owners of SME by using an Internet survey and practical survey at the e-commerce promotion seminar of CHT.
Appears in Collections:Thesis