標題: 中小企業數位落差評量模式之建構-以台灣製造業為例
A Study of the Digital Divide Assessment Model for SMEs: The Perspective from Taiwan Manufacturing Industry
作者: 張碩毅
She-I Chang
Chaur-Shiuh Young
Chih-Ming Cho
Institute of Business and Management
關鍵字: 中小企業;數位落差;Gowin's Vee;紮根理論;層級程序分析法;Small-and Medium Sized Enterprises SMEs;Digital Divide;Grounded Theory;Analytic Hierarchy Process AHP
公開日期: 1-十月-2010
摘要: 本研究旨在建構一套完整、客觀與可量化且符合中小企業自我評量之數位落差評量模式,以期協助中小企業改善基礎數位能力,善用資訊科技爭取業務商機。本研究依據Novak and Gowin (1989)所提出之知識探索與學習的科學建構概念(Gowin's Vee),在理論端採用紮根理論(Grounded Theory)找出影響中小企業數位落差的五大構面共38項關鍵因素。實務端則採用專家問卷(expert questionnaire),藉由專家意見將理論與實務加以整合,最後確認20項影響中小企業數位落差的關鍵因素,並提出「中小企業數位落差成因模型」。另外本研究針對台灣製造業中之中小企業進行問卷資料收集,採用層級程序分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)處理各評估構面與準則間相關權重與量化排序。在應用本研究模式來衡量數位落差時,可依照本研究所提出之成因模型,修改相關層級架構,並透過評量專家之意見來分配因素之權重,有效發現評量對象數位落差之產生原因。
In light of the importance of understanding and assessing the digital divide of small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in order to improve their ICT investment and utilization efficiency, this study focuses on developing an evaluation mechanism of digital divide within the SMEs. This study applies Gowin's Vee research strategy (Novak and Gowin, 1981). Specifically, in the conceptual side, we had found out the 38 critical factors of five major dimensions which develop the digital divide of SMEs by literature review through Grounded Theory method. In the methodological side, we develop this evaluation mechanism which assessment on digital divide from the outputs in the conceptual side and apply Expert Questionnaire methodology concluded with 20 critical factors. Using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) methodology, we sent out enterprise Questionnaires to Taiwan's manufacturing companies in order to obtain the weight of every criterion in our developed mechanism. This approach can be applied to other industry or enterprise in the same way. This resulted assessment mechanism serves as a useful tool for measuring the source of digital gap as well as suggesting the way to take-up ICT and e-business by SMEs in Taiwan.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/107818
ISSN: 1023-9863
期刊: 管理與系統
Journal of Management and Systems
Volume: 17
Issue: 4
起始頁: 711
結束頁: 741


  1. 10239863-01704-166.pdf

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