Title: 永續環境評估指標系統
Environmental Sustainability Assessment Index System
Authors: 潘子欽
Pan, Tze-Chin
Kao, Jehng-Jung
Keywords: 環境永續指標;代間公平性指標;環境永續帳;永續地圖;永續環境系統分析;Environmental sustainability indicator;inter-generational equity index;environmental sustainability accounting;sustainability map;sustainable environmental system analysis
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 建立指標評估永續性是國際上常採用的方式。然而,當前的指標系統有一些問題待解決,如缺乏工具可協助建立指標、指標多為單一數值僅能顯示平均狀況、無法評估代間公平性、未納入預算於決策程序導致效用差、指標調查與公佈缺乏民眾參與等。為確實反應環境永續議題及有效評估環境永續性,本研究因而發展一個包括永續指標資料庫、代間公平性指標、環境永續帳及永續地圖等之指標系統來改善這些問題,以期能有效改善環境永續性。 永續指標資料庫除有系統地收集整理國際上各層級永續指標之外,並進行指標分類及建立挑選功能,以輔助使用者選擇合適之永續指標。代間公平為永續發展很重要的概念,但目前尚無合適的指標可評估,故本研究考量兩代間永續性之繼承關係及合理目標,建立傳承公式及傳承率以發展評估代間公平性的指標。為驗證及說明傳承公式之適用性,本研究以全球暖化為案例,以二氧化碳排放量、氣候災害損失及森林面積為子指標建立代間公平性指標,評估結果發現傳承公式所計算三個子指標之傳承率多為負值,亦即全球暖化代間公平性為負向,應立即改善。環境永續帳則整合指標與預算二個以往是各自獨立的系統,藉由所建議的篩選原則選取之關鍵指標,可順利與預算連結,進而分析巿政預算是否妥善應用於改善環境永續性工作中,並建立分析指標與預算關係之程序,用以輔助調整預算分配,以增進預算用於改善環境永續性的效率。永續地圖則是用以展現永續議題空間變化與多面向因子的網路地圖系統,該系統主要用以支援民眾訪查活動,以鼓勵民眾關心地方環境及參與公共事務。相信本研究所發展的系統可改善傳統指標系統的缺點,且能有效評估及促進永續環境。
A set of indicators is generally used to assess the state and progress toward environmental sustainability. However, current indicators have several problems, such as lacking a proper tool for developing indicators, traditional single-value indicators addressing the overall status only, no indicator available for assessing inter-generational equity, budget allocation not incorporated into decision processes, and limited public participation during indicator development. Thus, this study developed a sustainability indicator (SI) database, an inter-generational equity index (IGEI), an environmental sustainability accounting (ESA) system, and a sustainability map to facilitate assessment and promotion of regional environmental sustainability. The SI database provides not only systematic methods to collect and store the SIs, but also functions to classify and select indicators. Inter-generational equity is essential for environmental sustainability and appropriate indicators are desired for assessing it. Therefore, the IGEI and an endowment equation are proposed based on the temporal trend between two generations and a reasonable target. To demonstrate the applicability of the endowment equation, an IGEI is established to assess the inter-generational equity for global warming with three sub-indexes: CO2 emission, loss due to climate-induced disasters, and size of the existing forest area. The ESA system integrates the environmental sustainability indicator and the budget allocation sub-systems that were generally operated as independent systems. This ESA system can be applied to evaluate whether a budget is allocated properly for improving regional environmental sustainability, by analyzing the relationships among environmental sustainability indicators and budget items. The ESA system can assist managers in adjusting budget allocations to enhance environmental sustainability. The sustainable map is an on-line system that can present various spatial distributions and local sustainability issues. This map system is intended to encourage residents to care about their local environment and promotes public participation. The methods and tools developed in this study are expected to improve traditional indicators for effectively assessing and improving regional environmental sustainability.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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