標題: 差分么正時空區塊編碼正交設計
Differential Unitary Space-Time Block Coding Via Orthogonal Designs
作者: 陳建宇
Chien-Yu Chen
Ching-An Lin
關鍵字: 差分時空編碼;differential space-time coding
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 在差分時空編碼中,我們應用不同的編碼設計方式,其中4,8根的傳送天線設計,在犧牲碼率的情況下,可以讓錯誤率降得更低,有效的改善通訊品質。接著,利用此設計,延伸出非方型的正交設計,達到3,5,6,7根天線的應用。最後,我們提出一種新的正交編碼設計,可以有效降低錯誤率,不過當傳送天線數目增多時,碼率會大幅地下降,但卻可以讓整個系統作最妥善的應用。
Based on the differential space-time coding, we use different kinds of orthogonal design to effectively improve the communication quality. Among them, especially the 4 and 8 transmit antenna designs,we are able to lower the bit-error-rate by trading off the code rate.Then, basing on those, we extend to the non-square orthogonal designs which achieve 3, 5, 6, and 7 transmit antenna applications.Finally, we propose a new method for the orthogonal design to effectively reduce the bit error rate. However, when the numbers of transmit antenna increase, the code rate will be largely lower while still let the entire system operate most properly.


  1. 252001.pdf

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