标题: 利用近红外光谱做非侵入式之生理讯号量测
A Non-invasive Physiological Signal Detection by Near Infrared Spectroscopy
作者: 刘修权
Hsiu Chuan Liu
Jin Chern Chiou
关键字: 近红外光谱;皮肤组织;血氧浓度;蒙地卡罗模拟;高斯分布;Near Infrared Spectroscopy;Skin organization;Human saturation;Monte Carlo simulation;Gaussian distribution
公开日期: 2005
摘要: 本论文之目的是以近红外线光谱做非侵入式的生理讯号量测,本论文主要是利用市上现有之各波长的LED光源元件来取代体积庞大的光源量测系统,藉以缩小系统的体积及验证系统架构之可行性。由于含氧血红素与去氧血红素对于近红外光谱的吸收波长不同,因此可将近红外光入射至生物组织内,利用光的回弹反射特性,透过适当的电路设计以减少杂讯、放大讯号来取得反射光的强度,并计算出光的衰减比例;接着经由正确公式推演即可以求得血氧浓度值。本研究中,入射光在皮肤组织中的分布情况也是发展重点之一。此研究讨论利用蒙地卡罗方法模拟LED光源入射到皮肤组织中的分布情况、光子路径与穿透深度,藉以利用此方法模拟皮肤组织中的血氧浓度,并验证硬体所量测到的结果。
The purpose of this thesis is to develop a non-invasive physiological signal detection by using the Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. In this thesis, we use the different of the wavelength of the LED to replace the optical system, for the reducing of the volume of the measurement system. By developing the related sensing circuits and computational algorithms, we are able to measure human oxyhemoglobin (HbO2), deoxyhemoglobin (Hb) and oxygen saturation (SO2) using the porposed system. One of the direction of the research is for the penetration of the photons. We use the Monte Carlo simulation to simulate the light of the LED which is in the skin organization and discuss the condition of the distribution, the path of the photons and depth. By using the above method, the oxygen saturation of skin tissue also can be compared with the result of the hardware implementation.