Title: 以FPGA為基礎之自主性智慧型巡航控制系統設計
Design of an FPGA-based Autonomy Intelligent Adaptive Cruise Control
Authors: 張岑瑋
Tsen-Wei Chang
Bing-Fei Wu
Keywords: 巡航;控制;智慧型巡航;Cruise Control;Adaptive Cruise Control
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 在智慧型運輸系統中的先進車輛控制與安全系統裡,適應性巡航控制系統扮演著一個相當重要的角色,例如減輕駕駛人負擔、輔助駕駛以及提高行車安全性。本論文的目標即在於研發高速縱向動態系統的主動式控制。 在這篇論文中,首先介紹我們所設計之適應性巡航控制系統的模式、目標以及基本理論。以此為背景,我們設計一個階層式的控制器。當駕駛人啟動控制系統後,假使前方無車,我們將會自動的定速行駛;假使前方有車,則可以依照駕駛者的需求,來決定安全行駛模式。 透過實驗車的建置,並經由實際道路之測試來驗證我們所需要的控制目標,最後將控制器實現在FPGA平台上。一般的巡航控制系統大部分是實現在車用電腦上。在此篇論文裡,我們雖然使用了在開發上會較為困難的FPGA平台,但是實驗過程驗證了它可以取代在車用電腦上之行車控制器。此控制方式不僅提供一個安全的行車方式,而且比一般車用電腦更加節省經費以及空間,適合作為一個車用控制器。
Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) System is an important part of the Advanced Vehicle Control and Safety System (AVCSS) in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) such as drivers’ burden lightening, driver assisting and safety driving. The target of this thesis is to develop an autonomy control system of a high-speed longitudinal motion control. In this thesis, we first introduce modes, end and a basic theory of the designed adaptive cruise control system. In according with it, we design a hierarchical controller. After the driver starts the system, we can cruise at the pre-selected speed autonomously when there is no vehicle in front of us or select a driving mode according to the driver’s need when there is a vehicle in front of us. Through tests of the experimental vehicle, we reach our control goal according to road tests and implement it on an FPGA platform. In general, cruise control systems are realized on car computers. In this thesis, though it is more complex to develop with an FPGA we used. But we verify it that control rules on car computer can be implemented with an FPGA. Have represented a safe driving mode and it is not only smaller but also cheaper than a car computer. It is suitable for an automobile-used controller.
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