標題: 利用多喇叭實現強健串音消除系統
Robust Crosstalk Cancellation for 3D Sound Using Multiple Loudspeakers
作者: 蘇大中
關鍵字: 多喇叭;Multiple loudspeakers
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 傳統串音消除技術是針對一對喇叭來實現。而串音消除器主要的問題來自於容易受到擾動的影響。由文獻可得知,當喇叭數增加則串音消除器消除串音的能力亦隨之提升。同時,多喇叭架構對於擾動而造成雙耳音訊失真的效應較一對喇叭要來得輕微。在本篇論文中,我們將呈現各種不同形態的串音消除器在三個喇叭架構下,並且能夠達到節省成本及計算複雜度的目標。我們也會針對兩個喇叭和三個喇叭架構的串音消除器作擾動分析,以及透過模擬數據來作為分析的依據。
Traditional crosstalk cancellation is for two loudspeakers. The most critical problem bothering us is the effect of perturbation. In several literatures, we know that multiple loudspeakers arrangement results in good performance of crosstalk cancellation. In addition, it is more robust for perturbation than two loudspeakers setup. In this thesis, we show different types of crosstalk canceller of multiple loudspeakers arrangement and economical realizations with less computational complexity is achievable. Perturbation analysis is proposed in comparing two and three loudspeakers setup. The simulation results are used to compare their performance numerically in this thesis.


  1. 354501.pdf

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