標題: 光學玻璃透鏡之熱壓成形研究
Hot Embossing Forming of Optical Glass Lens
作者: 王嘉偉
關鍵字: 熱壓成形;碳化鎢;透鏡;Hot Embossing Forming;Tungsten Carbide;Lens
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 光學玻璃透鏡已成為現今光電產品中不可或缺的元件,全球模造玻璃的缺貨情況愈趨嚴重,已造成供不應求的情形。而熱壓成形技術相對於傳統研磨技術擁有許多優勢,成為目前光學玻璃透鏡最主要的生產技術。 本研究依玻璃預型體的取得分為兩階段實驗,研究初期以研磨、拋光技術自行製作兩種預型體平平與凸凸;研究後期採用商用預型體(玻璃球),並利用相同技術製作表面品質符合精度要求之碳化鎢模仁進行光學透鏡熱壓成形實驗,且以不同硬膜層、模仁來決定出理想的脫模條件。本研究也針對熱壓成形後透鏡之表面品質進行檢測,判斷產品是否符合光學鏡頭之需求。 經由實驗結果量測得知,壓印成品之表面品質符合精度之要求。
The optical glass lens has been a key component in electronic-optical products. In contrast to traditional grinding technology, hot embossing forming technology of glass lens has shorten the manufacturing time and become one of the most important process to meet the demand of optical glass lens in mass-production market. This research had been divided into two steps on the research of hot embossing forming of optical glass lens. In the first step, two kinds of preforms prepared by lapping and polishing process were tested to obtain preliminary hot embossing parameters. In the second step, commercially available glass beads (optical grade) were used and optimal hot embossing parameters were sought to obtain glass lens. Two different materials for mold inserts and several coatings for the die surface were tested during hot embossing process. The geometrical accuracy and surface roughness of final products were examined and glass lens with optical grade requirement was met.


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