標題: DSP-Based 影像處理與視覺定位開發應用於雙軸線性馬達
DSP-Based Image Processing and Implementation of Vision-Based Positioning System on Two-Axis Linear Motor Stage
作者: 林峰龍
Feng-Long Lin
An-Chen Lee
關鍵字: 影像處理;影像定位;影像灰階;影像二值化;灰階影像加強;邊緣檢測;image processing;image positioning;gray-scale processing;thresholding;image enhancement;edge detection
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 本論文將發展一視覺定位系統。此系統涵蓋了影像處理與機械定位兩大子系統。在影像處理的架構中,透過電荷耦合元件(Charge-Coupled Device,CCD),配合影像擷取卡(DM64xMM系列)內的數位訊號處理器(Digital Signal Processor,DSP)將所擷取進來的影像資料,進行影像灰階、灰階影像加強、影像二值化、邊緣檢測等處理。之後,利用USB介面將處理過後的影像資料輸出至PC上做待測物形心的運算。 在機械定位的架構中,透過運動控制卡(PISO-PS200)接收PC端所計算出待測物位置修正量的運動控制命令,將其轉換成脈衝輸出而驅動馬達。此外,搭配影像函式庫擴充及人機介面的開發,結合了影像與機械定位的功能,最後將此視覺定位系統實際應用於雙軸馬達平台上,可達到一個圖像 (pixel)以內的影像定位效果。
In this thesis, an vision-based positioning system is implemented on two-axis linear motor stage. Two sub-systems adopted herein are image processing and motion positioning subsystem. In the image processing subsystem, the raw vision of the moving object is captured from a CCD(Charge-Coupled Device) and the image is processed from the DSP-Based image card(DM64xMM).After several image processing procedures, such as the gray-scale processing, image enhancement, thresholding, and edge detection, the image data is transmitted to PC by USB interface to compute the centroid of the moving object. In the motion positioning subsystem, the object is controlled to move to the desired target by using a motion card(PISO-PS200).After integrating these two subsystems, the vision-based positoning system can move the object to target within one image pixel resolution.
Appears in Collections:Thesis