標題: 正方型沉埋剛性基礎阻抗矩陣之有限元素法分析
Dynamic Stiffness Matrix For Embedded Square Foundation By Finite Element Method
作者: 孫紀戌
Chi-Hsu Sun
Gin-Show Liou
關鍵字: 阻抗矩陣;沉埋剛性基礎;有限元素法;Dynamic Stiffness Matrix;Embedded Square Foundation;Finite Element Method
公開日期: 2005
摘要:   在土壤與結構互制效應研究中之次結構法裡,阻抗矩陣之求解就佔了極其重要之地位。故在此論文中將以有限元素程式ABAQUS求解正方型沉埋剛性基礎之阻抗矩陣。   因使用方法為有限元素法,故須先以解析解比對,確認模型之正確性;而有限元素法尚有精確度、所需資源等問題需要探討,故論文將以收歛性分析探討,以求得其最佳的解。   之後再以收斂性分析之結果,建立正方型沉埋剛性基礎之模型,探討沉埋對正方型剛性基礎之影響,以期能對後續土壤與結構互制效應之研究作出貢獻,或是作為未來工程設計之參考。
To solve soil-structure interaction problem, finding the foundation impedance is an important part in using sub-structure technique. To find the impedance, finite element method is employed. The commercial program ABAQUS is used for the finite element method. Firstly, we set up an ideal finite element model and analyzed it to obtain numerical solutions. Then we compared the numerical solutions with the analytical solutions in order to examine the accuracy and convergency of the finite element method. Finally, extending the result of the convergency analysis to calculate the impedance of embedded square foundation by finite element method.


  1. 651401.pdf

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