標題: 營建企業電子化投入與效益關係之研究
A Study on Benefits of Construction Enterprise Electronicization
作者: 吳煥雲
Huan-Yun Wu
Ren-Jye Dzeng
關鍵字: 營建企業電子化;Panel data;績效評估;Construction Enterprise Electroniclization;Panel Data;Performance Measurement
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 營建企業近年來陸續導入電子化系統,而營建企業電子化的投入是否能夠產生效益,是營建企業所關心的問題。本研究藉由4年的觀察數據探討其趨勢的表現,以及配合Panel data分析方法以分析其投入變數與效益變數間趨勢之關聯性。本研究之樣本資料來源,係以配合政府推動營建電子化計畫之國內營造廠商20家之其中11家營建企業為主體,而調查時間為營建署推動計畫期間2002年∼2005年四年的期間,藉由問卷調查針對營建企業公司的基本營運資料、電子化投入資源與績效及未來需求三個構面來進行調查,將每一年所得之數據利用Panel data資料分析其結果,瞭解營建企業電子化投入資源與效益關係之實證研究。 經由實證分析結果可得知,營建企業電子化系統的投入與作業績效、系統滿意度有顯著性的正相關,而另一方面分析結果中顯示,大部分作業績效的效益與前一期投入變數有正相關性,與前二期的投入變數較無明顯的相關性,所以從結果得知,營建企業在作業績效的效益通常會有延遲一年的現象,這表示電子化系統的投入不僅只有當期投入會收到效益,有時前一年的投入也會影響效益的表現。
Construction Enterprise inducts into Electronicalization system continuously in recent years, and whether Construction Enterprise Electronicalization invests can produce a benefit or not is the problem that it concerns. This research will investigate 11 Construction Enterprises, period from 2002-2005 years. Altogether the observation data of 4 years inquire into the performance of its trend, and used the Panel data analysis method to analyze its invest variables and the benefit variable a trend its association. Through industry analysis the result can know, the investment of Construction Enterprise Electronicalization system just related significantly to the operational performance and the system satisfaction. Besides, on the other hand, the analyzed result shows that the benefit of greatly parts of operational performance and the variables before a year contain positive relativity, with the variables before two years have no obvious relativity.


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