DC 欄位語言
dc.description.abstract近年來多媒體互動教材在教學上的應用日漸普及,但是多媒體教材製作需要具備一定的程式邏輯概念,才能規劃正確的教材架構和呈現流程,對於一般不具有程式背景的教育工作者而言,不易製作出符合理想的多媒體教材。 而隨著多媒體教材的需求增加,多媒體教材製作工具的種類也越來越多,但不同的工具所作出的教材標準都不一致,造成教材共享的困難。有鑑於此,美國ADL制定SCORM標準,提供教材共享與再用的依據,但是SCORM的規範卻非常繁複,教育工作者不容易自行撰寫符合SCORM標準的教材。 本論文將針對上述兩點進行分析與討論,希望能夠簡化多媒體教材製作流程,提升多媒體教材製作效率,並簡化教材達成SCORM標準的複雜度。因此提出多媒體教材樣板的「製作」及「套用」機制,來克服SCORM標準的多媒體教材製作目前所面臨的困境。 在本論文中,我們將分析多媒體教材的製作流程,將重複性的操作步驟抽離而成教材樣板,並定義教材樣板的種類,根據多媒體教材的組成分析樣板套用的各種階層,讓教育工作者利用教材樣板的套用快速且簡易的組合出符合其需求的課程教材。 而為了讓多媒體教材達成教材共享,我們探討SCORM1.3對於教材編序規則(Sequencing Rule)的定義,提出課程教材架構樣板和學習策略樣板的製作,教育工作者不需要了解SCORM的詳細規範,即可利用這些樣板來制定多媒體教材的瀏覽順序,並讓多媒體教材符合SCORM標準。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, the multimedia presentation curriculums applying to teaching are getting widely available. To create interactive multimedia presentation documents, content creators such as school teachers who can use some multimedia authoring tools. However, to ensure the correctness of the multimedia presentations and interaction, teachers need to know some logic of programming. In other words, creating a multimedia curriculum requires a great deal of time and good computer literacy for teachers. Unfortunately, not every teacher has the background of programming. Undoubtedly, it is a hard job for most teachers to construct perfect multimedia curriculums. Due to the highly demand for multimedia curriculums, a wide variety of multimedia authoring tools are springing up one after another. However, multimedia curriculums made by different authoring tools have different standards, which results in reducing the interoperability of curriculums. For this reason, the American organization ADL (Advanced Distributed Learning) exerts a structured adaptive effort to develop the standards, tools and learning content for the learning environment. The standard is named SCORM (Sharable Course Object Reference Model) which provides a comprehensive suite of e-learning capabilities to enhance the interoperability, accessibility and reusability of learning content. Still, the rules of SCORM are very complex. There is a very high threshold for content creators to construct a multimedia curriculum conforming to SCORM. In this thesis, the two difficulties described above are solved. Our goals are to decrease the effort needed to create multimedia curriculums and to make the curriculums conform SCORM standard easily. Therefore, this thesis proposes the concept of "Multimedia Curriculum Template" for content creators. This topic is discussed in two main dimensions: "Multimedia Curriculum Template Construction" and "Multimedia Curriculum Template Imitating". This thesis analyzes the process of constructing multimedia curriculums, abstracts the repetition in the operation to form multimedia curriculum templates, and gives definitions of different classifications of these templates. According to the structure of multimedia curriculum, several levels of multimedia curriculum template's imitating are discussed, such as scene level, SCO level, and content organization level imitating. These different levels of templates enable content creators to compose a multimedia curriculum much more easily and efficiently. In order to reach the goal of improving the interoperability of learning content, this thesis discusses the definition of learning strategy based on SCORM sequencing rules and proposes the template of content organization and learning strategy. Without the need to know the detailed standard of SCORM, content creators will have no troubles using the templates to edit the learning strategy of multimedia curriculums and make the multimedia curriculum meet SCORM 100%.en_US
dc.subjectSequencing Ruleen_US
dc.subjectMultimedia Curricular Constructionen_US
dc.subjectAuthoring Systemen_US
dc.titleSCORM編序規則的學習策略樣板產生器之設計製作 與 視覺化多媒體教材樣板之編輯套用系統zh_TW
dc.titleThe SCORM Sequencing Rules Generation System and Multimedia Curricular Construction Using Template Based Authoring System.en_US


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