標題: 應用於COTS套裝軟體、以方針設定導引監控的版權管理系統
OpenDReaMS: Policy Controlled Digital Rights Management Wrapper for COTS
作者: 黃哲逸
Tsue-Yi Huang
Shih-Kun Huang
關鍵字: 數位版權管理;Digital Rights Management;Wrapper;COTS
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 隨著網際網路的普及與快速成長,內容產品數位化已成為無可避免的趨勢。在此同時,如何保護數位化後資料的版權問題也越來越重要。本論文發展一開放源碼的系統,能針對一般常用的播放軟體(包括商用、非商用)提供數位版權管理(DRM)機制.。透過我們的系統,能使原本沒有DRM機制的播放軟體也能達到具DRM控管的效果。此外,我們採用控制播放軟體的方式,能不受限於數位內容的格式,達到更廣泛的應用。因為商用軟體並沒有原始碼可供分析,我們運用外掛程式,進行動態偵測分析、並攔截播放軟體的控制及資訊流程,在用戶端上實作數位內容的保護機制。我們除了實作在用戶端上保護數位內容的系統外,也設計及實作一套簡單、完整的DRM控制流程(跨越伺服器及用戶端),對許多常用的播放軟體進行測試與實驗,以驗證本系統的可行性。
With the fast development and increasing use of the Internet, it has been a major trend to distribute content in digital form. At the same time, how to protect the copyright of digital content is getting more important. In this thesis, we develop an open-source system that offers digital rights management (DRM) capability to the rendering software. It can be used for commercial off the shelf (COTS) software without source code. Through our system, we can introduce DRM to the non-DRM rendering software. Besides, we can adjust the control policy of rendering software and protect the digital content without considering the restriction of content format for wider applications. Since the source code of COTS is not available, we use the approach of software plug-in to detect, analyze and intercept the control and information flow of the rendering software, and implement the protection for digital content in client side. We also design a simple and complete DRM workflow which encompasses the management process of the server and client side. The system has been tested by wrapping popular COTS readers that are commonly used and prove the applicability and feasibility of our system.


  1. 758801.pdf

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