Title: 樣板式多媒體內容在手持行動裝置之情境及內容協調與呈現-以樣板式的多媒體英文試題為例子
The Context Aware and Content Adaptation of Template Based Multimedia Presentation on Handset Device - Using Template Based English Test Questions with Multimedia Contents as Examples
Authors: 洪啟彰
Chi-Chung Hung
Dr. Deng-Jyi Chen
Keywords: 情境資訊;情境感知;內容改編協調;context information;Context aware;Content Adaptation
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 由於行動裝置的使用普及率越來越高,更多的行動裝置必須支援各式各樣的多媒體內容才能滿足使用者需求,然而大部分的多媒體內容僅能在桌上型電腦上呈現播放,業者通常必須重新設計和在桌上型電腦上的同樣內容,才能使同樣的內容在行動裝置上順利瀏覽播放,但這樣的重新設計內容勢必對設計內容的業者造成一大負擔。 本研究探討多媒體內容的改編及轉換機制,以本實驗室開發的樣板式多媒體英文試題製作軟體為例子,利用情境感知(Context aware)方式設計演算法進行分析協調版面的動作,並期許轉換協調後的內容清楚、不失原語意及被使用者容易瀏覽。最後並對一般傳統作內容改編協調(Content adaptation)的兩個方法靜態、動態改編轉換分析其好壞,提出靜態及動態混合方法來達到空間及時間的較佳化。 本研究實作了內容改編協調伺服器(Adaptation server),可將原本在桌上型呈現的多媒體內容依照參數的給定改編協調到一般傳統行動裝置可以支援的格式,並搭配Web-based的協調管理介面,提供簡便自動化的改編協調。此外設計客戶端的播放器除了驗證協調後畫面的可行性,並用以模擬內容轉換存取的三種模式-靜態、動態、靜態及動態混合方式,本播放器可播放格式為XML-Based的XMG格式,純為模擬而自訂。
The growing popularity of mobile devices demands various multimedia presentation contents on these devices. However, most multimedia presentation contents can only be supported on desktop computer which has more computing power and less constraint than mobile devices. For content providers, they often have to replicate design and implementation those multimedia contents which originally were supported on desktop computer to fit on different kinds of Mobile devices. Eventually, more efforts and cost must be spent for content providers. In this thesis research, we discuss the technology of multimedia content adaptation and content negotiation under mobile devices. We use the Template Based Multimedia English Test Questions generated by the template based multimedia contents creation tool as example to design a multimedia content adaptation and content negotiation algorithm for the presentation under different kinds of mobile devices. Also, a static and dynamic mixed adaptation method is implemented to balance the space and speed requirement during the multimedia content adaptation for mobile devices. The pros and cons based on their adaptation time and disk usage are analyzed to compare with the traditional static and dynamic adaptation approach. Based on the proposed algorithms, we constructed an adaptation server which can automatically analyze, adapt, trans-code, and covert the original multimedia contents to a specified target mobile device presentation format. We also designed a web-based client application program in the target mobile device (such as PDA) to verify the presentation of those adapted multimedia contents.
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