標題: 交通大學校園資訊電子化及其整合:分散式事件驅動技術應用於共同資料庫
NCTU Administrator e-Office Systems and Integration:Distributed Event-based Middleware Technologies for Common Database System
作者: 蔡東泰
Dung-Tai Tsai
Sheau-Ling Hsieh
Wen-Nung Tsai
關鍵字: 交通大學;校務資訊整合;中介軟體;事件驅動;JMS (Java 訊息服務);SSNS (SQL Server 通知服務);NCTU;Administrative e-Office;Middleware;Event-based;JMS (Java Service);SSNS (SQL Server Notification Services)
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 在本研究中,針對問題我們提出了一個架構—DEMCD。DEMCD 兩大核心技術是 JMS 與 SSNS。透過這樣的架構,可以提供各部門之間資訊交換的管道,解決部門之間因為異質平台所造成的問題。DEMCD 架構最初的構想就是以迅速更新資料為主,因此利用 SQL-NS 所提供的功能,套用於共同資料庫上,來產生資料庫變更事件的觸發,最後再將這些更新的資訊,以主動式傳輸的 MOM 架構來傳遞資訊給所需要的部門。所以在 DEMCD 架構中,不同部門之間的系統資料,可以在最快速的時間之內,達成資料庫內容的一致性。
In this research, we proposed an architecture, DEMCD. The two core technologies of DEMCD are JMS and SQL-NS. Using DEMCD architecture, we can provide a platform on which systems can communicate to each other to solve the problems of heterogeneous systems. The original concept of DEMCD is primary based on changing data swiftly, so, with the functionalities provided in SQL-NS, we can trigger the database changed events in Common Database, then provide the renewed information to the divisions which need it by active MOM architecture in order to keep the consistence of database in different divisions as soon as possible in DEMCD Architecture.


  1. 764101.pdf

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