标题: 立体视觉指向系统之准确性分析
Accuracy Analysis of a Stereo Vision-Based Pointing System
作者: 黄仁信
Jen Shing, Huang
Jen Hui, Chuang
关键字: 人机互动;三维重建;平面投影转换;追踪;误差分析;HCI;3D Reconstruction;Homography;Tracking;Accuracy Analysis
公开日期: 2005
摘要: 本论文中实作了一个即时的指向系统,不同于其他相关的研究中使用传统三维重建的方法来找出指向点,我们没有使用到相机的内部参数以及朝向等资讯,而是利用平面投影转换以及一些三维空间内的平面关系作为系统实作的基础,概念上较为直觉而且也相对地容易理解。而本系统与传统使用三维重建的方法一样都存在有误差的问题,目前我们已经利用平滑过的指向点轨迹当作给予电脑的指令输入,然而,如果能有更精确的系统,则我们将能研发出更多的应用。因此在建构出此指向系统后,我们亦针对系统的误差进行分析,检视误差的来源并且使用适当的方法降低误差。
In this thesis, we implement a real-time pointing system which, unlike ordinary 3D reconstruction approaches, uses homography and some known 3D reference planes to reconstruct the target point without using camera’s intrinsic parameters and orientation. The basic concept is quite intuitive and easy to realize. Despite the existence of reconstruction errors, like ordinary 3D reconstruction approaches, we have developed an application to use the smoothed trajectory of target point as a command to the computer. However, more applications can be considered if we could develop a more accurate system. To that end, we also try to identify the sources of the reconstruction errors and suggest possible ways to reduce them.


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