標題: 台灣高科技產業之破壞性創新—以晶電、聯強、神達為例
Disruptive Innovation in Taiwan High Tech Industry—Cases of Epistar,Synnex and MiTAC
作者: 游家怡
Jia I You
Po-Young Chu
關鍵字: 破壞性創新;晶電;聯強;神達;高科技產業;Disruptive Innovation;Epistar;Synnex;MiTAC,;High Tech Industry
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 台灣企業近幾年積極走入國際市場,但相對許多大型國際集團而言,其資源及品牌知名度明顯不足,身為市場後進者,想在競爭激烈的國際市場佔有一席之地,須採用與領導廠商不同的策略才有機會成功。 哈佛大學教授克理斯汀生所提出的破壞性創新理論,提供市場新進者利用較簡單、便利或低成本的創新,吸引新市場或低階市場的顧客,並打敗市場在位者,本研究以此理論作為分析架構,並選取晶電、聯強、及神達三家個案,目的希望能藉由個案的探討,找出個案公司使用破壞性創新來入侵主流市場的方法,並歸納個案間的共同規則及差異處,以提供其他公司、產業在尋求破壞性創新時的參考依據。 經由本研究的分析,新進者欲取代在位者成為市場主流,要存在兩項條件,第一項為組織的三能力,包含資源、流程與價值,三能力必須與在位者有所區隔,第二項為外部環境方面,企業的創新須有政府規範及市場環境的配合,當以上這兩項絛件皆存在時,才有利破壞性創新的發展。
In recent years, Taiwanese companies compete against global companies in the international market .However, global companies have enormous resources and brand awareness, it is difficult to compete with them. Being new players in the market, Taiwanese companies should take different strategy and then have the opportunity to become the leader. This thesis is case study based by applying the theory of Disruptive Innovations. Disruptive Innovations imply that the new companies attract low-end or new customers by creating low cost, convenient and simple products. Established companies ignore such segments that a new company can invade the main market by continuously improving product’s performance. By analyzing these cases, we found that if the new one in the market wants to defeat the established companies, they must pay attention to two issue. First, there are three factors should be differentiated established companies. These three factors are resources, processes and values. Second, these factors of new players must fit emergent market demand and government regulations. Only these two issues have been fulfilled ahead for new players’ possible success of disruptive innovations.